Original Post
Belts (Wearable items)
So, as you know, the Karate belt system, for most of the belts anyways, is implemented into the game such as, White belt, Yellow belt, Orange belt, ect. The interesting thing that came into my mind, is why are our Toris' themselves not wearing the belt prescribed to them? It would be amazingly cool, excuse my lack of words to use for that, to have belts in-game, that go around your Toris' waist. For example, you are able to have a white belt, as default, when you create your Tori, you are able to deactivate and reactivate it on the forums and such, and once you become, say the next belt, the White belt is no longer wearable, and orange belt is purchaseable in the shop, market. When you reach custom belt, aka, 20k QI, you could be able to edit the belt as you please, designs, colors, ect. Prices on such items, I cannot currently provide, considering I'm not swell when it comes to implementing new items.
<Shmevin> This is starting to bug me... May I get a verdict please? <@SkulFuk> verdict: you're both bitch faggots

however, how would you decipher the difference between black belt- 10 dan black belt?

I guess they could have the number but that might look tacky.
Your pal,
Well, in Karate, Dan and Kyū ranks are indicated by belt color or by stripes on the belt.
For example.
Shodan (First Dan) One Stripe
Nidan (Second Dan) Two Stripes
Sandan (Third Dan) Three Stripes
Yondan (Fourth Dan) Four Stripes
Godan (Fifth Dan) Five Stripes
Rokudan (Sixth Dan) Six Stripes
Nanadan (Seventh Dan) Seven Stripes
Hachidan (Eighth Dan) Eight Stripes
Kyudan (Ninth Dan) Nine Stripes
Jūdan (Tenth Dan) Ten Stripes
As far as color of the stripe, as my knowledge preserves, the color of the stripe is Yellow.
Last edited by Angelic; Oct 7, 2012 at 04:51 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<Shmevin> This is starting to bug me... May I get a verdict please? <@SkulFuk> verdict: you're both bitch faggots
Oh then,we could go by the number of strips on belt rather than colour,you can buy whatever colour you want from the shop.
Last edited by 4Roger; Oct 7, 2012 at 05:59 AM.
someone didnt like your sig
Oh, the stripes were a rough proposition for what could be used to define the difference in the Dans.
Last edited by Angelic; Oct 7, 2012 at 05:35 AM.
<Shmevin> This is starting to bug me... May I get a verdict please? <@SkulFuk> verdict: you're both bitch faggots
Roger nothing against you might I like the original idea by Angelic better belt=color not just buy any color you want.
<13chillz> Grab a crayon and go zoom zoom
I think this would work best if the belts would become wearable as you gained that color belt, but you were able to wear any lower belt as well. For example, a brown belt could wear a white, yellow, orange, green, blue, or brown belt, instead of just a brown belt. And reaching custom belt would allow you to use a belt texture item to customize the belt.
I support this idea
I can imagine a black belt with 5 stripes on my tori
would be cool