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Toribash multilingual.
A way to translate other peoples language, also be able to type in other languages. Like you type something and it makes it into another language.


Person number1:
Different language from English.= Hello how are you.

Person number2:
Oh I am great! = Different language from English.

This would be in the scripts folder, or option ether one.

It would be an option with a drop down menu with all of the main languages. Russian, Spanish, Mexican, so on and so on.

It also would be a good option for a quick select ingame.


Your chat bar>
/opt translate Russian - English

That would be>
Different language from English.= Hello how are you.


Your chat bar>
/opt translate English - Russian

That would be>
Oh I am great! = Different language from English.

I think this would help out our language barriers and get to know people from other countries that are not multi linguistic.

It's a really good idea like there is a transator on skype when you say something in another languages it turns into your language, that will be pretty nice.
Now, many people know that toribash is played by people with many different native languages, SO, what if we had an in-game translator, that we could type in our native language and have it come out in Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, or any other main language that the community speaks. NOW, before you start saying
Originally Posted by Random Thread hater

If you try to use google translate and paste in russian characters, it can 1. crash the game. or 2. just be a bunch of ?'s.

So my idea is to have a macro, button, or an option in the menu, to open up a window for you to type to the chat and translate it.
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

Risk did this to me and I hate him forever, please join the official "Fuck Risk in the Ass With a Live Bat" social group to join me in hating Risk:
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I actually like this idea, I do hope it gets implemented one day. What I'm worried about is the fact that this may collide with the game engine, depending on how it is coded. Perhaps an option to enable an auto-translate would also be a good idea, would be rather laggy though.
It would be more for communication purposes, like ive been in a server with some russians, and i want to be able to talk easily with them, so you would have a translator to do that
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

Risk did this to me and I hate him forever, please join the official "Fuck Risk in the Ass With a Live Bat" social group to join me in hating Risk:
Click here to join my cult to fuck Risk in the ass with a live bat
This is a very helpful idea.
It will probably take a TON of work to get created though.
Still I support it, but it will sadly probably never happen.

People HATE when sentences don't end the way they

Maybe use google translate for the actual translation, that way the tb developers wouldn't need to program a new one.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
That was an idea of mine, but that would mean that your game would have to relay info to and from google translate, and that would just be insanely laggy. It's easier to just code in one
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

Risk did this to me and I hate him forever, please join the official "Fuck Risk in the Ass With a Live Bat" social group to join me in hating Risk:
Click here to join my cult to fuck Risk in the ass with a live bat