well I changed the "tga playerBname" to "tga playerAname" so now both of the lines are
"playerAname" and it worked, I hope it works for you Zinkon but if is doesn't work I don't know how to help.
Originally Posted by macturtle View Post
well I changed the "tga playerBname" to "tga playerAname" so now both of the lines are
"playerAname" and it worked, I hope it works for you Zinkon but if is doesn't work I don't know how to help.

lol.... yeh that works too. lol didnt think of that.

just make a uke.tga file in ur custom folder. it was one of the steps.
yes, how do i change the backround color?
Last edited by Zinkon; Nov 23, 2007 at 01:45 PM.

background { color rgb <1,1,1> }

in the .inc file.

Im assuming you know how to use rgb? if not, its just the amounts of red blue and green, with 1 being full. u can surpass 1, but it just ends up rly bright.
thats my problem, it just gets bright

EDIT: nvm i figured it out
Last edited by Zinkon; Nov 23, 2007 at 02:52 PM.