You've all got it wrong. "Noob clapping" is actually a mistranslation of "noob slapping", which is the art of slapping a noob with two hands.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Like others have already said: People will complain about anything they consistently lose to. Shovel, liftkick, snapkick, "lifting", suplexing, DM kicks in ABD, headbutts, splitgrabs in judo, you name it. If they lose to it more than they win, they'll complain. I actually had someone complain to me around Halloween time during a wushu duel that the only reason I once was because I lifted him. Let me say that again: he complained I lifted him, in wushu.

But yeah, pretty sure it's just because it's the easiest move to do in the game and finds purpose in nearly any mod. New players (noobs) will "discover" it quickly and hence the name. I think Odlov and to a degree BenDover have shown there's nothing bad about it.
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I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by Warrior View Post
So basically everything that makes you win is considered a noob move

Aikido in a nutshell

Even if you lose, chances are someone, somewhere is gonna call you a noob for the move you used/tried to use

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
New players (noobs) will "discover" it quickly and hence the name. I think Odlov and to a degree BenDover have shown there's nothing bad about it.

That's not what a noob is, new players are newbies.
Noobs are something totally different.
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Quit Game.
Originally Posted by Nigma View Post
That's not what a noob is, new players are newbies.
Noobs are something totally different.

I'd say it goes hand in hand.

And yes, some flame when you clap them in whatever mod, just like some people tend to flame when you win. Clappin' is just a quite balanced move, it has some flaws, including leaving you wide open for some kicks, so calling it a great move with its obvious defensive flaws in that case might be a bit over the top. Yet it as people have pointed out doesn't rob you of your balance, makes sure you have a quite good odds of not getting lifted and is usually hard to fuck up... (relax all and contract pecs, it's not like you are going to be short on time to set that up...)
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