Nice man, you progress pretty nicely. Now you only have to figure out how to make sure uke doesn't float away from you. I'd suggest you edit before the split, try to get more momentum toward uke and force your way through the split, instead of bouncing away from him. Opens up more opportunity not to end the replay poorly.
Owner of Fred
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Originally Posted by Swepples View Post
Nice man, you progress pretty nicely. Now you only have to figure out how to make sure uke doesn't float away from you. I'd suggest you edit before the split, try to get more momentum toward uke and force your way through the split, instead of bouncing away from him. Opens up more opportunity not to end the replay poorly.

I've had this sort of as a second project, still working on it.

Also i made a new replay, I keep getting better and better, really proud of this one actually. Feedback is appreciated as always.
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Joel ~ Nausea.rpl (325.7 KB, 21 views)
You have really nice and interesting movement but you should work on being more smooth overall they're pretty great
Originally Posted by Joel View Post
I did this thing today, i quite like it so i figured i'd post it.

split is nice
decap is nice
end dms are kind of weird and u seemed to hesitate
pose is cool too
damn it feels good to be a gangsta'
You've improved.

So first off as usual opener, you took a bit too long of a pause in the opener which i didn't like, it was unnecessary and it ruins the replay a bit. I've done that before and i regret it.

Continuation of the opener was good and again the pause was unnecessary with the stance that you were trying to achieve, you could've done it quicker in my opinion or you could've gotten into a better position.

So the spin was good, and you good a pretty neat hip dismemberment, could've gone for the split but heck, the boom was great dude, i really dig it but it wasn't the highlight to be honest, it looked a bit slow for my taste, the back kick and the skeet was just really cool. Highlight of the replay in my opinion.

Can definitely tell you're getting better
Okay so you asked me to CnC this. I'm gonna tear your jell-o shot asshole a little wider with this one.

So the first 70 frames are an absolute waste and the ugliest fucking thing you could do. Please never horse stand again or contract your wrists. that shit is so ugly and displeasing.

the next 100 frames of spin are just as much displeasing. You go so slow and it's really not very smooth. It almost looks like you struggled to get this to go how you wanted. instead of you controlling the tori it looked like it said you were it's bitch during that.

First hit you barely hit his hip and only dm'd his glute, I personally dislike single dm hits other than decaps or things like skeets. you didnt even follow through on it then proceeded to reverse all momentum you had immediately after the dm

~333 your body is just in a really weird position, and the grab you have is super awkward on his forearm. The following kick has okay placement and I'm happy you got the boom but you still missed the head and it seemed like you tapped him instead of kicking him, you also again proceeded to completely reverse any momentum you had at this point too.

Arm dm wasn't bad, I like how you kept the momentum going to throw it but the throw just ew, honestly ew, look where your body is when you let go of the arm, it's such a bad spot and you even had a full rotation to get a good stance and turn to throw it.

The ending/pose is whatever, you do you.

Overall it wasnt bad, im impressed and proud joel. solid 4.5/10 overall and it's easily the best replay you've personally made. Keep up the good work. <3
Knock down da walls wiv big rocks and kill all the men wiv arras. - Lamby
It's been a while, I worked pretty long this so I figured it was worth posting.
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Last edited by Alejandro2; Jul 20, 2018 at 11:58 PM. Reason: edited pose