bigest tip is play in single player for a while and watch the ghost
the ghost is the see though tori that is moving when you press a joint
^^ good point.
watch your ghost and where they end up.

Toribash is not really a thing you master. more or so, a thing you get after a while. there is no seceret on HOW to get it but once you do get it, how to move, how the physics work and the rest, thats when toribash is most fun.

that being said, you shouldn't get down if you can't get your guy to move the way you want. play online or watch a match to see how people move themselves. even blackbelts have trouble moving. This game is about creativity. that is your only limit.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
even though i have been playing for almost 3! years, i still have not "gotten" every technique. far from it... however, i would recommend playing single player... it is a good training and experiment tool.


Honestly, I think the best way to get better is just to fight with other people. If you lose, so what? You can't expect to win every time. Hell, when you are just starting out, you should not be expecting to win at all, but you should be trying. You should experiment. Let people in the room know you're trying new things out, for you've done nothing yet. A lot of people are cool, and nice, and will help you out, and just fight with you the whole time.

I started off on a white belt, played around with the Uke a little bit, but not much. I just did the fighting school a couple of times to get those moves down, and then jumped right into Multi-Player. At first I was getting brutally beaten. Arms torn off right at the start, and whatever other bad things can happen too quickly. Then I started to get the hang of it.

Start off learning how to maneuver yourself. How to move your body in certain situations. How to relax, and how to hold. When to relax, and when to hold. I am still new, and I am still pretty bad. I can get beaten quite a bit, but I can still now win my fair share of games. Just bust right into the action, and don't give up.
I leave footprints bigger than my shoes.
the learning curve in toribash is so steep, it bends back on itself. But keep trying, and trying, and trying. Never give up!