Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
Hit your opponents hard.
That's it.
In boomhit replays you probably have seen how they make their feet/hands go inside Uke's body... Yeh, you should try to get your damaging parts inside Uke's body at least a bit.
And to get your damaging parts inside Uke's body requires high power.

No. That is not it, there are certain perssure points around the joints that can be tapped and with dm.
But, it takes a long time to find them all.
i have found one set of moves that actually rip an arm off of uke in classic. i am pretty new so this may be obvious but i will post anyway.

hold entire body
chest (l&r) contract
L shoulder up
R shoulder down
lumber bending right


reverse the shoulders


grab with hands (this should grab somewhere on his right torso and left shoulder)


reverse chest (R&L) and both shoulders
extend both wrists
(should result in uke pulled in with your right elbow in the air and left elbow down)


extend elbows
reverse wrists


uke's right arm has just been ripped off without a punch
Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
I prefer relaxing the ankles when DMing with kicks, oh well.

It really depends on the situation. Sometimes you need to relax/contract/extend to get the right angle.
Here is a noob way: Search in your mods to find anything that would say "instagib"

That will dismember your oppenent automaticly if the body part hits the opponent.

Here is the pro way: Try moving fast and then grabbing an opponent body part. if the move is quick enough, it will dismember the body part.
Originally Posted by moggomatix View Post
Hey, I wanted to know, if thereīs a special trick to dismember my opponent.
Or does only the force of some actions count.

I am brownbeltet so donīt say me noob things.

Please give me a tip. thank you

hit ur opponent rly hard , do advanced moves in tori school it teaches dismembering.
1.wat im most comfortable doing to dm is using ur joints that control small , light parts thats are very easy to move like shoulder , back of knee , elbow . i use the part to which i used to hold him (like grippy hands) to gain momentum by bringing uke towords you thus giving you a little more speed

3.then try to angle the body part ur using to DM to wat the part u wish to dismember that has the most pressure being appiled (ex: if uke's elbow is holding him on the ground your gonna wanna hit the elbow ) because the fact that even more force is being applied against the joint will help you at least fracture it easier.

4.using the momentum u gained in step2 hit the joint

there u go i hope people will benefit from this

ps i think these few replays can help you with this guide

yes i know another post of mine is very similar but i i think these tip are useful
Attached Files
awesome r.leg dm1 redone3.rpl (101.3 KB, 4 views)
R.elbow+ dc 2.rpl (101.5 KB, 4 views)
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Originally Posted by gold1234 View Post
Here is a noob way: Search in your mods to find anything that would say "instagib"

That will dismember your oppenent automaticly if the body part hits the opponent.

The purpose of this whole thing here is to making them avoid instagib and learn to play properly. Instagib shall be no option.
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Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
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