i'll try to show you what i mean ... :]
i've took the image to edit :]
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
you agree with those racial comments ?

because if you do your one the saddest peices of shit i have ever seen just because someone is black and they wear nice close doesnt mean you should make a bad picture of them in your head.
whoa people are so dick
a bit simple atm but cool lookin and skin is a bit too light remember to make nice shades ;p
Being black isn't a culture, idiot.

By culture, lancer was talking about > people who sag their pants and wear dose fake ass shit nikes with cheap hats and walmart shirts


Better than your mΩm
also, totally not trolling
With social-code disagreements aside I would enlighten you that your pen tool work is rather bad. And it doesn't look like you spent much time on this at all.
Its important to take your time and put your lazybones aside when you are doing art, CBA solutions is not the way to go when you want a result you can be proud of.

I understand this is a WIP, but you are not heading in the right direction. It would be lovely if you could practice a lot more and come back with some better results.

BTW I think you would understand a little more about Pop-culture and peoples ways to social acceptance when you get a bit older :,)
Last edited by Ezeth; Dec 11, 2010 at 01:24 AM.
Offtopic: I've got about zero respect for most people in this thread.
Ontopic: The art looks messy, and there's little spots that are uncolored. I'd recommend against Gimp, and for this kind of thing go with Flash. It looks overall sketchy and a bit rushed, I'd rate it a 4.5/10 right now.
Good luck on advancing/revising it.
Originally Posted by Freelancer View Post
So you used pentool in a sloppy way and didn't bother to add your face first, instead you made sure that your ugly cap and clothing where visible.

I'm against your "culture" because it's stupid when you do the research and look yourself in the mirror.
You guys probably don't even know what baseball is.

But put that aside. Yeh I don't see why you had to share this will the world. You should train more before posting. Train and read tutorials until you can show something that took you hours to make and that makes you shine like a golden god with pride over your artwork.

Also what's with the A on the cap? It's like "Meh I'm too lazy to trace the A I'll just font it"...

I think you should go fuck your self if you've got a problem with black people
or are "culture" and I think that comment on the cap was not needed people clothing chose is nun of your concern.

All that aside I think the drawing is quite bad but people are being a bit harsh,I think it looks call how theirs no detail just the colours and the shapes but it needs some work.

and Fuck you Freelancer I hope you get no presents under your Christmas tree and I hope you get robed by a black person you piece of shit being racist is not cool.
The art board is not for bickering about culture.
Keep it strictly art related.
Unless you want your ass banned.

Seriously though, about your work.
Go practice a bit. The font on the cap almost made me cry, no I'm not that sensitive, it's just THAT bad.
The tracing is not completely bad, it could use a lot of work though.
There are enough tutorials for you to follow, I suggest you do that ^^
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.