Originally Posted by KOTBOLT View Post
it looks to sketchy and unclean imo and the hair is a bid to random.
And the whole shading is random you can do it alot better.

Yes it looks unclean its my first time with tablet , also the requester wanted it a bit like this.
The shading is just rasndom on some parts right.


Originally Posted by Aitor21 View Post
you should make the face go down to the bottom of the image
the chicks ruin it a bit try reducing the length and make the red circles in his chick less wide
nose imo is too long
imo the shading isnt that random...
make the eyes a littlebit darker they seem to be "flying" and maybe also reduce the width a bit

i really like the idea
hope to see a new update someday

I'm okay with the chick , seems like I need to change the yes.

Originally Posted by joshyjojo View Post
haha you jelly kotbolt

btw this is very nicely mapped but yeah it is a tad unclean but the hair is good haha btw excellent mapping so can you get a bigger screeny and/or more shots?

Originally Posted by KOTBOLT View Post
i think i can give a critism without any commentary from other artists then chuck. ^^


Originally Posted by avwave View Post
may want to realign the eyes or make em less walleyed

right now it looks like derpface


ty guys.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
Yeah, the eyes are just a tad too far out.
The seam of the mandible stops too high- it should be stopping between the lips but it looks like it goes up to the nose.
Also, perhaps softening the tip of the nose just a little so it's not so pointy.
Personally, I'd probably narrow the spirals on the cheek bones so there can be more layers to it.
Other than that, it's pretty sexy
scary and epic head, need more improvement on the cheeks and nose
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