Originally Posted by MintCat View Post
Eww, who would do such a thing.

*Glares around suspiciously...

There is loads of 'furrys' on the internet.
In fact most of 4Chan could be considered furries.
I would see this to be a mental issue.

I mean for the longest time we use animals for food and now people are using them for there own sexual pleasure, I just find it nasty and un-human like.

"“Are ‘Furries’ people who have sex with animals?”

No. Sex with animals or Bestiality is illegal in most countries and most states in the US. Because many Furries have a personal connection with animals, most are very strongly opposed to Bestiality or any activity that harms animals."

And then, there's this.

"In conclusion, as with any hobby, there are some furries that have taken it too far and/or perverted what for many is a fun harmless hobby.

If only the silent majority were not so silent, people would realise there is more to furries then perversion."

I don't mind furries as long as they don't rub it on my face.
I don't mind zoophiles as long as they keep it at reasonable lengths.
I don't mind homosexuals as long as they don't go crazy about it.
I don't mind scifi fans (Star Trek, Star Wars...), partygoers, feminists, religious believers, occultists, exhibitionists, masochists, sadists, lolicons, otaku, My Little Pony fans, FPS gamers etc. as long as they aren't bothering everyone around them about it.
They've got their own hobbies and private stuff, I've got mine. There's no reason to butt in if they aren't hurting others or themselves.
It's always the extremists that make something look bad, yet... let me quote again.

"If only the silent majority were not so silent, people would realise there is more to furries then perversion."

This can be applied to anything.
stop generalizing, dammit