Thanks everypeoples
Thanks. I've gotten quite a bit from this. I'm a green belt now, but this helped originally.
Attached Files
Sword dance.rpl (38.1 KB, 18 views)
Torn in half.rpl (16.5 KB, 20 views)
Only Emos /wrists
example for ya!
Attached Files
nice.rpl (41.0 KB, 20 views)
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
We've all had fun from tellign each other how this game works on a thread that was in the wrong place and shouldn't have even exsisted, seeing as though I've not done much in a while, i thought it was time for me to close this thread.