It's beautiful drawing but uhmm , is it normal that the middle finger's head looked like that?
naah its slightly more bumpy than I wanted, the brightness makes it look even more blown up.
Well painted. I'm not sure about the perspective though. The poison inside the glass looks like the point of view us under the surface looking up, but the glass looks like POV is above the glass. The hand looks like POV is right in the center, like where the eyeline would be.

Did you sketch this by hand before going digital?
I really like the idea behind the image, nice going on the shading also.
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ  Pedobear approves!
Originally Posted by DDDyyy View Post

Did you sketch this by hand before going digital?

No I did not, I tried to do shit this way before and it just doesn't work for me .