Originally Posted by skulfuk View Post
You wouldn't earn anything doing that anyway. You no longer gain QI or tc if both players are on the same IP address.

We'd still ban you for trying though.

So if u have a friend in the same country as you it wouldn't work?
Because i remember playing with a friend who lived a few blocks away from me and neither of us gained TC or QI?
Originally Posted by Playaj View Post
So if u have a friend in the same country as you it wouldn't work?
Because i remember playing with a friend who lived a few blocks away from me and neither of us gained TC or QI?

That doesn't make sense, you should have different IP's unless you are using the same connection...

If you were on the same router, however, you'd have the same IP. Which means if you're playing a friend in the same network, you gain no Qi.
I made tons of accounts because I get bored or banned (lol). It gets fun really.
P.S This is my NOOB account.
Originally Posted by PromoBoot View Post
I made tons of accounts because I get bored or banned (lol). It gets fun really.
P.S This is my NOOB account.

Judgin from this post you have had several noob accounts amirite?
Originally Posted by Novitech View Post
That doesn't make sense, you should have different IP's unless you are using the same connection...

If you were on the same router, however, you'd have the same IP. Which means if you're playing a friend in the same network, you gain no Qi.

hmm wierd.
It would be impossible that he is on the same network as me cause he lives a few blocks away right?
Im not too sure about network realted issues and stuff
It is possible for people to be logged on the same IP, it happens a lot. At the same time it doesn't mean that they were on the same IP at the same time.

Since most domestic connections use dynamic IP there's a good chance that at some point another player's used an IP you've had.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
my sibling sometimes plays me. we both have the same IP address because we use the same connection. You guys advised us not to play on the server, but it is fun to play someone you know. Will that get us banned, and will we still gain Qi and TC?
You may or may not get banned and you most likely will not gain TC or Qi.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Originally Posted by PromoBoot View Post
I made tons of accounts because I get bored or banned (lol). It gets fun really.
P.S This is my NOOB account.

Just so you know, admins can search up your ip, then just ban all your alts hehe.

Also if you got blacklisted with one account, then you are blacklisted with all of your alts.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

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Originally Posted by suomynona View Post
You may or may not get banned and you most likely will not gain TC or Qi.

Yup, no QI or creds for playing against someone on the same IP - even with boosters.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you