i have another question (or two) :[

the readme for the THP seems outdated, i don't have a heads folder! i'm planning on making the texture a BMP in Paint (or a JPG if there's a problem), how should i go about previewing it once i make the..first draft?

also, how can i be sure that it's only 24-bit?
I can make heads alright ... but i still need help on otha textures like the hands tthere really hard tto make
JaCk Is BaCk
guys need help mine says this
There was an error converting the image. Below you will find the error data which you need to post on the head tutorial to get support.

E> Image data is not long enough

tga_header Object
[id_length] => 0
[map_type] => 0
[image_type] => 10
[color_map_entry_index] => 0
[color_map_length] => 0
[color_map_entry_size] => 0
[image_origin_x] => 0
[image_origin_y] => 0
[image_width] => 128
[image_height] => 128
[image_depth] => 32
[image_flip_height] => 0
[image_flip_width] => 0
[image_alpha_channel] => 1000
in the latest versions you will find a folder with your name in the folder /toribash3.4/custom

your would be :/games/toribash3.4/custom/FARSIGHT26

if it doesnt exist till yet you can create it by yourself. (its just not there when you never bought anything)