Yes It's very bad that I was playing yesterday vs 3dan and I broke his left and hand on quick aikido he joined spec and rejoined that got me very pissed I wanted to save replay ..We should have a solve for this..
Old Is always GOLD
Originally Posted by Fish View Post
The best idea I've seen so far is to simply make people wait a few minutes before they can rejoin after they disconnect from a public server. I think that's the plan so far.

No its a bad idea. The best and fairest solution for ragequiting tourney's final is
to give price to ragequiter's opponent. Why you just dont do this ?
pfff.. look. if ragequiters will get a penalty in tc for disconnect / ping in the middle of match, they would not ragequit. this will solve the problem with ragequiters. you should never give tc as countermeasure. only take it.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
Someone had a wise solution once, idea was that it would count as a loss for the quitter, but not as a win for the non-quitter.
So, regular rank loss, but no rank gain. No qi or tc for each part.
Doesn't matter if you ping or quit, still counts as a loss.
Quitting before ~3 frames doesn't count as a forefeit.

I stick by my own idea.
There's more than one way of solving this, obviously. How about adding a poll?
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
counting as loose is qi farming.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Originally Posted by snake View Post
counting as loose is qi farming.

Originally Posted by Lazors
No qi or tc for each part.

Read again.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by snake View Post
pfff.. look. if ragequiters will get a penalty in tc for disconnect / ping in the middle of match, they would not ragequit. this will solve the problem with ragequiters. you should never give tc as countermeasure. only take it.

instead defending on victims (rq's opponent) you advice bring more pain

-sometimes someone pinged not because he is ragequiters (its happpen to me couple times) and if he get penalty its very unfair
-people that usually ragequit will playing on tourneys with alts

so this solution is unfair and not efective

another solution is

when someone ragequit he undestand that he gonna lose so when he disconnect he is kinda give up so his opponent wins (technical win) and must get the prize

this fair and effective (effective bcoz if some random ragequitter will know that he cant fuck his opponent by rq he maybe preffer to stay untill the end)
Originally Posted by xbcz View Post
instead defending on victims (rq's opponent) you advice bring more pain

-sometimes someone pinged not because he is ragequiters (its happpen to me couple times) and if he get penalty its very unfair
-people that usually ragequit will playing on tourneys with alts

so this solution is unfair and not efective

another solution is

when someone ragequit he undestand that he gonna lose so when he disconnect he is kinda give up so his opponent wins (technical win) and must get the prize

this fair and effective (effective bcoz if some random ragequitter will know that he cant fuck his opponent by rq he maybe preffer to stay untill the end)

are you able to understand simple fact that if there will be 2% of people who got penalty for irl issues - it will stop 98% ragequiterts. what a dam mindset of igeneration. stop victimise yourself. you want to get everything without any doesn't work like that.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Its unfair to get this penalty for irl issues no matter how low a percent is. This penalty must punish ragequiters bcoz they do somthing bad and uguilty people.
When u say 2% get penalty issues u have to add 2% (their opponents that dont get prize)
so its 4% persent lose tc when didnt something bad. And all that in case that 98% will not ragequit. And im not sure about this case.
Originally Posted by xbcz View Post
Its unfair to get this penalty for irl issues no matter how low a percent is. This penalty must punish ragequiters bcoz they do somthing bad and uguilty people.
When u say 2% get penalty issues u have to add 2% (their opponents that dont get prize)
so its 4% persent lose tc when didnt something bad. And all that in case that 98% will not ragequit. And im not sure about this case.

it is fair. stop this igeneration shit right here. getting on my nerves already. had to go during finals - deal with it.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15