well i'm requesting an tutorial for a Freecam you know that nuthug's made thingy.
i know there is tutorial in same thread where is freecam but i wasn't enough understandable (for me :P). so now i'm asking to somebody make an long and easy to read tutorial for it : )
Mah DA
❒Single ❒Taken ✔Dubstep
I need help coming up with a cool pose. I'm planning on selling a texture set, but I need some way to make it look cool. Anybody? I would like step-by-step instructions on some pose. Here it is in the basic toribash pose:

By the way, I tried the search button.
Use this pose:

Hold all: C

Relax pecs
Contract elbows
Relax Or(Any Works)Contract abs.

Congratulations, you are now bowing.
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.
How To Understand The Texture Templates

I have tried and tried, but I never got to udnerstand the torso, hands and feet templates.
I want to know how to turn a pov ray head into full rotation because in the tutorial cinder made it only rotated 180 degrees
Your messed up world enthrills me
The sides are all messed up, they have to be mirrored and flipped and stuff, but I figured it out.
Im requesting a tutorial for making a bot on IRC if someone could pm me or /query Mrlebo on irc that'd be awesome :P thanks in advance
I'd like to know how to make custom backgrounds/headers/logos, because everytime I try to make 'em, a black or white background appears behind 'em. THX
use gimp, PS always screwed me, and if you are using gimp, make sure you: Save As-> Overwrite->NO RLA compression, or go to my shop (see below)
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body