Yep, the important part is to click and join the social group. Then, you'll be directed to tutorials and support. Feel free to make a thread and ask for help on a certain mod or trouble.
sly i would like to offer my time as an aikido trainer. What are your standards?
Replays? here
Well even though this is late
Slycooper as you told me to do, show a few replays and i have a slight chance of being given thought
Aikido replay1.rpl
Aikido replay2.rpl
AWesome! aikido.rpl
Hope their fine
Originally Posted by made4you View Post
how does this work anyway ?

Yeah, if you're willing.

You can find any one of us in game, we'll help you with area you need help with in aikido. You can ask a question or make a thread and we'll answer your questions. You can look at alot of tutorials that are also posted in the Aikido Trainers social group.