Re: Decency on the Servers
yeah, not talking works. and because of all the annoying people nowadays i have trained myself to fight, then just read a book or something while i wait my turn. i dont see what they say, and they dont hear what i think.
Re: Decency on the Servers
And with the influx of members, comes the influx of dumbasses.

Truly, it happened in FacePunch, and now it's happening here.

I always take care to say GG after a match, but some times recieveing a "Fuck you" in response seems a bit disheartening.

Oh well, been around during the retarding of FacePunches community has made me used to this, I guess.
Re: Decency on the Servers
does it really matter if someone says "fuck you" after a match? by making such an issue of it they're just getting exactly what they wanted in the first place, to piss you off. let it go, just ignore it. are you gonna ban someone on the street if they yell "fuck you" for whatever reason? no? same principal. and i don't really feel like going into martial law where a handful of people have the ability to ban left and right. no thanks.
Re: Decency on the Servers
I agree with Uffda here. When they say anything insulting, its them being a sore loser- although on the street my reaction if someone told me off wouldn't be quite so lighthearted. It would really be too much hassle to kick them from every IP that they may be able to get there hands on (I for one have access to 8 PCs, with 6 different external IP addresses), so let them be sore losers for now- Online I've noticed alot more people laughing about any misfortune they had then cursing it, which in my opinion is a blessing for a game for the players to actually like losing. For now, anyway, the people enjoying this will outnumber the people hating anybody whos better than them.
Re: Decency on the Servers
I am accustomed to accusing and cussing at my own dismembered parts for disqualifiying me... Would this count? i do only mena it in jest... particularly when i yell out in all caps "YOU TRAITORIOUS WRIST!" or other such phrases about <insert body part that DQ's>. :ยท|
Re: Decency on the Servers
I generally don't say too much, but I do get annoyed by the "gg" or good games when it obviously was not a good game. Like when you mess up and plant yourself hard right into the ground for a DQ

That is not a good game, I don't know why but it just annoys me and cheapens a truly good game.