Just a small aside:
Говорите по-англицки поялуста, sergeyator. Ето не Торибаш по-русски.
Sorry for any mistakes, I just passed my basics of Russian course. Seriously though, any chance of English on the main forums? Advertising your thread is also against the rules, I'm afraid. I'm not ratting you out, but an especially diligent mod might give you a warning.

On to Cnc.

Granny strikes back: This has to be at least 60 gravity. You don't let it get in your way a lot. The way you retract the first kick right away looks a bit sketchy though, as well as how your leg is left outstretched for a while after the second. That axe kick in the end is just scrumptious, though. Great sense of gravity, although it would look even better if you followed through with it instead of retracting so soon. The whole replay could be a fair bit more fluid, but that can be difficult with high gravity.

Eat poridge and get strong: This one looks more fluid, but the opener is a bit awkward. Nice booms in there though. Would like to see sokme 9.82 stuff from you, too.
Last edited by Archlurps; Dec 21, 2013 at 07:16 PM. Reason: formatting
I refuse to grab.
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Gay wedding: The first kick doesn't look like an intentional manip, but either a messy hit or a very misguided attempt at a DM. You get into some nice spins afterwards, but the first kick is a bit slow and stiff. The second one is really short and goes against the direction of the spin. Not bad, really, but could be better. Nice pose as usual!

Revolution in stinking: Very fluid spinning in the beginning. Almost graceful. I like how you actually go away from uke to begin with, instead of setting the engage distance further. Very nice double core, you really bury your foot into Uke, but your torso freezes up a bit afterwards. Not one of your best poses but still among the better poses around here
I refuse to grab.
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I didn't feel like the last replay was finished, so I added another kick and some messing around

I really appreciate all the comments (Archlurps, you're awesome ) since i want to improve. I can take Criticism.
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Coca cola.rpl (261.8 KB, 26 views)
Last edited by AssassinPro; Dec 26, 2013 at 05:37 PM.
I like how you were willing to take your time with that opener, most people tend to go straight for uke, but you don't have to go right for it. Everything was nice and pretty until your jump, where that little twitch in your leg while you were pushing off was a bit gross looking. Normally, I don't like when people grab uke before they dm him but I feel like you made it work here, and it led into a very nice core hit. I noticed you grabbed your leg after that first kick, I don't know if that was on purpose but I would've edited it out. Second kick looked great as well. Overall, it was pretty nice, but nothing overly outstanding about it.
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
Thanks for the feedback, leg grab was actually intentional and it happened before I kicked (I used it to assist me in the aiming).

This replay is just me working on movement
I used damage 1 because I expected some madman action but it didn't happen.
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Elephant having a nap.rpl (110.0 KB, 20 views)
Great replay! The opening bit was kind of weird when you moved your right leg. It looked really twitchy. It was a little slow after that, but good movement. Great kick, it looked awesome! Then you flew backwards and went all floaty. Never go all floaty. Try to do a flip or a cork. Just keep your tori moving. The pose was pretty decent after that, but you kind of flopped backwards at the end. Great replay. 7.8/10
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
Coca cola: Nice buildup as Larfen said. Your legs are just a little stiff during the spin backwards and there's a tiny twitch before you lunge up. Awesome boom, although you could've followed through more. You just kinda let your foot slide against what's left of uke instead of kicking through uke. I really like the follow-up kick too, the way it rips the torso apart with all the pieces flying in a fanned-out pattern. Spinning into the pose is noticeably stiff and twitchy, although it looks better when you watch it with Uke in the background so you can't see the awkward knees-together legs. The final scoot to the actual pose is stylish though.

Elephant having a nap: Just movement-wise this is definitely not flawless. I can see you moving in increments, although you're not exactly twitchy. You should "mask" your chest movement, especially reversing the rotation, with other joints like pecs. not only does this look more seamless, but it also makes use of the momentum of the other body parts to generate even more power with the same spins. You also speed up from a near-standstill just before the kick, which makes it disconnected from the buildup. The hit is a good solid boomhit, nothing special, nothing wrong with it either. I agree with Irrita about the flight backwards, you're a bit too limp. I think just a bit of pec work to accentuate the arm movement would help a lot. Nice pose, as usual.
I refuse to grab.
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