Re: Running a server?
Originally Posted by roboturkey
Originally Posted by Casey
another way to find your ip is to look at the bottom of one of your posts.

or you can look at my sig... it know all about you! :o

My main problem is the LAN. I can connect to my own servers, but the LAN is a huge obstacle which won't let the server leave the network. I need a way to stop that. A GLOBAL way to stop that, rather than specified to a certain type of LAN/HUB/Router.
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.
Re: Running a server?
Originally Posted by Zaarock
is there any way to host with a mac? like doing all that but running a mod through terminal or something?

I want to know that to. Is there a way or will there ever be a way?
Re: Running a server?
Originally Posted by RadleyGH
Im posting this here so when someone has the same question and cant find anything with search, its here for them, plus its on topic ;)

This is for setting up your server manually, which allows a few more options than with ToriLaunch

Originally Posted by Gnarf
Run toribash_server.exe with the command line arguments -l <percent>

Eg. if Toribash lies in CProgram Files\Toribash\, and you want to set it to 50
Start -> Run...
"CProgram Files\Toribash\toribash_server.exe" -l 50

All options can be set in such ways, by adding more options to the command you're running. The list of options, with default values, is:
-p <port> - listen port (20184)
-m <frames> - match frames (120)
-t <frames> - turn frames (10)
-r <sec> - reaction time (20)
-f - flags (1=DQ, 2=Decaps, 4=No Grip, 3=DQ&Decap) (3)
-s - sumo (0=HF, 1=HF and WA) (0)
-e <cm> - engage distance in centimeters (100)
-j <cm> - dojo size in centimeters (0)
-l <percent> - dismember thresh hold (100)
-d <model> - damage model (0=opponent, 1=both, 2=self) (0)
-o <name> - mod name (classic)
-C <clients> - max number of simultaneous clients (12)
-T <sec> - Socket timeout (5)
-L <file> - Name of log file
-N <name> - Name of server (will show in mutliplayer server desc)
-D - Daemonize server
-R <pass> - Remote console password
-P - Premium server

Anyone knows the stuff I need to put behind the executable for fracture and fracture treshold?
Edit1:And how do I set DQ off?
Edit2:Edits added

Or in short, if I cant use torilaunch for this, what parameters are needed to launch a joust-server like the pro one? We want to bash ourselfs lan here.
Re: Running a server?
Note that you can get the list of command line options by running the toribash_server.exe with -?
(eg, by doing Start -> Run... -> cmd -> cd\program files\toribash -> toribash_server -? )

List of options for current version is:
-p <port> - listen port (20184)
-m <frames> - match frames (120)
-t <frames> - turn frames (10)
-r <sec> - reaction time (20)
-f - flags (1=DQ, 2=Decaps, 4=No Grip, 3=DQ&Decap 8=Fracture) (3)
-s - sumo (0=HF, 1=HF and WA) (0)
-e <cm> - engage distance in centimeters (100)
-j <cm> - dojo size in centimeters (0)
-l <percent> - dismember thresh hold (100)
-c <percent> - fracture thresh hold (0)
-d <model> - damage model (0=opponent, 1=both, 2=self) (0)
-o <name> - mod name (classic)
-C <clients> - max number of simultaneous clients (12)
-T <sec> - Socket timeout (5)
-L <file> - Name of log file
-N <name> - Name of server (will show in mutliplayer server desc)
-D - Daemonize server
-R <pass> - Remote console password
-P - Premium server
-A <rounds> - AFK rounds. Player will be kicked if inactive this many rounds
after start (3)

So, DQ/decap/grip/fracture is set with -f -- which Im not quite sure how to use properly. Fracture treshold is -c ...
Re: Running a server?
If you are still unable to host a server on the internet ( said in "no-expert" way ) :

1. You might be on a LAN or unbridged modem and the modem / router is too stupid to know what computer is hosting the server.
-Try reading this :
-On the site is also settings for almost all types of routers and modems.

2. Have you turned off firewall? Remember, XP comes with a firewall standard on.

3. Even portforwarding might not work. You might have to set up bridge mode, specially if you are running both a modem and an additional router ( for LAN or WLAN etc. ).
-Not all ISP's allow bridge-mode. Talk to your ISP first, and if you are allowed, make them help you set it up.
*Bridge-mode disables a modems capability to give out IP-adresses ( DHCP will be turned off ). This means that unless your ISP allows for you to have several IP's ( here I got 5 IP's ) you will only be able to connect 1 computer to the internet, unless you get an additional router. Check up on how many IP's you get from your ISP.

4. If you bridge a modem without several IP's you need an additional router ( 3Com OfficeConnects are good ) that are capable to give more IP's and still work with the modem as if you were bridged even though you have a LAN-adresse.
Not all routers are "smart" enough to do this correctly, but the 3Com OfficeConnects works awesome, the router always find the right "path" to the computer when it comes to setting up servers etc.

Bridge-mode fixes most problems when it comes to connections and servers...
Short explanation : Bridge STOPS your modem from doing anything. Except for "translating" your information into the signal you should use to "talk" to your ISP. In other words, you are "directly" connecting to the internet, since your ISP gives your computer the internet-IP your modem usually gets instead of going first to the modem and then it gives you a different IP. In normal mode, the modem act as a server.

This MIGHT help a bit, though, most people never bridge. Too bad for them.
Re: Running a server?
As far as I know, there's absolutely no difference in portforwarding or bridging a Mac or PC...since all you do is on the modem / router. So system shouldn't matter at all.
Re: Running a server?
Originally Posted by roffle
first you have to find your internal IP address, if you have a router.
go to Run type in cmd, then type in ipconfig
it should look like this

you see the part that says
just remember the last 3 digits of that

then go into Internet explorer or Firefox or whatever browser you use, type into the address bar, press enter, you will be asked for a username and password, just type in admin for the password and you will get in.

now click the Security button and uncheck all the boxes in there, click Save Settings
then go to the Applications & Gaming tab and make it look like this

then click Save Settings and exit that window

then tell your friends to add this to their servers.txt

your IP address from followed by :20184

so it would look like this 67.345.67.8:20184

I put that my IP in the adress bar, but it comes up the search engine thing
Re: Running a server?
Thanks for the advice guys i got my server up and running
Jarmund>{#toribash} Dr-Meanster: finish your sentences before pressing enter.