Dear god :o first time ever someone didnt get yelled at for double post XD
Technical Old School. - It exists.
Originally Posted by Arkhir View Post
How can i change size of items?

Sorry, I didn't understand this one. Explain it a bit, please.
Is there a worldbuilder.lua in V.3.66 because if there is I CANT FUC**** FIND IT!!!!
and i know there was a worldbuilder.lua in the last version because i used it so please tell me if there is on in 3.66 and if so were is it.
Last edited by WhiteFire; Nov 16, 2008 at 04:11 AM. Reason: idk
I Burn With A Passion To (bleep) All Your Moms
George W. Bush: Master of low expectations and son of one HOT mother!
I have this problem too . I take the .lua file in the script folder but in the game it isn't there.