Originally Posted by Alejandro View Post
Dirt: Awesome.

Dirt = Awesome.

I already discussed this piece with you in pm. But I'm gonna summarize the essay I wrote you about it in to one word.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
nicely done man
really like how you added texture on the clocks, impressive =)

the only crit i can give would be with the bottom of the cans.
im assuming you have the same issue that most have, you did the cans last and got bored with the bottom of them? :P
you did a really good job in getting the slope of the first clock right, so i know you can do the cans right if u actually tried
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Ahhh I see what your saying, the elipses on the cans arnt at my usualy standard. The Bashes on the bottem aswell seem to distort the circle so it makes it harder to look realistic. Its all done free hand though so i was pretty happy with my final out come.

Once again thanks for your comments guys. Feel free to pm me about the process and to share your own work with me.
Doing something I've never done before-- 10/10.

Absolutely flawless, the dull colors and impeccable shading create a piece that is the closest thing to true greatness I've seen on this forum.

back from the dead
Absolutely great.
The shading is nice, the concept is portrayed very well, and like everyone else has said, this looks so real, it can be mistaken for a photograph.
BenDover is right though, the bottom of the cans is a flaw, but the only one I could find.
Did you perhaps paint this looking directly at this scene? Or was it all freehand?
you dont do still lifes out of your head, he would have set the still life up in front of him, then drawn it as he sees it
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I set up my still life then it was photogrpahed i worked from the photograph but never traced since the photo was obviously alot smaller. Thanks for the comments again guys much appreciated.