Ooh, looks like you tried something a little bit different this time. I liked how fast paced this one was, although it slowly lost a little bit of that throughout the replay, and I both loved and disliked the abrupt ending. imo it would have been nice to continue it a little bit (although who does want a great replay to end?).

It felt like it had rather less.... ornaments? Adornments? than your usual replays, most likely because of the fast paced hits not allowing room for much else.

Again, my CnC is barely worth a few pennies, but I tried. I look forward to what you'll do next!
well hey that was cool i guess
kick at 330 was not cool it ruined the flow
at frame 310 it kinda looked like you realised you were rotating the wrong way and changed it really quickly but that makes it look like you're having a seizure
try avoid that
also wrist seizure from frames 310 - 290
as soon as you pushed off the ground with that arm though everything was cool again
u could have continued

was pretty aight, take away the twitches and try do some more creative stuff in ur next replayxzagdvcab
Bro you went hard doin that laser side to side foot step Mexican tango on that fugazi man Uke, the way you did those Martial Arts Dance (MAD>MAS) moves were just siq son, got that nacho cheese dip hook to it, honestly FaceGorilla/10.
Last edited by Hypez; Aug 26, 2015 at 03:13 AM. Reason: Pro skaters never die
Vhs memories~Honestly the only thing I disliked about the replay is from 600-464 otherwise everything else was amazing, good job keep up the great work, truly amazing.
Last edited by mused; Aug 27, 2015 at 11:08 AM.