I wanted to learn more hits you could send me
I wanted to learn more hits you could please send me the favor by doing
Last edited by lusamas10; Aug 14, 2011 at 04:17 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Loruhamah View Post
Very informative ^_^. I've only done wushus a couple of times and I used my judo moves and failed... Epically...

judo and wushu dont come together and they are completely different. In wushu, we dont hit and run and tripod ourselves until the game ends like judo and you should use different moves for different mods.
<8OJ4N>Dark hax-a-lot
<8OJ4N>sounds like a knight

nice guide snake
I can only add that in wushu one of the most important thing is the premeditation:except in the first round,where is ok to go randomly,then you should ever have clear what you want to do in the next 100-150 frames,and then move for do it.This of course isn't an easy thing(you need many time for learn how to move as you want,and even after long time you can still wrong),but it's really important to train with this from the start imo(sooner start with the train,sooner gain the final results).
The premeditation is even more foundamental for understand your enemy movements:every wushuer HAVE to watch what the enemy his doing at the start of every round of close combat(if you are far from your enemy,so is useless to lose time watching what he's doing..in these case you have to think ONLY to comeback).In this way you can decide wich option is the best between:1-defend(maybe using contracted elbows and knees for damage the opponent more than how he will do with you);2-try to attack for first;3-dodge;4-(but only if the enemy's hit is already incoming and there isn't any hope to do 1,2 or 3)try to absorb the hit(for do this you have to use hold and lax in the right points,and possibly using the rotation that will make you move in the same direction of the hit<EXAMPLE:if a left kick is going to hit you on the right part of your body,so the kick is coming from right to left,you should indulge that moviments with a left rotation,and maybe extending the left pec holding or relaxing the other joints of the body>).The 4 could seem a crazy move,because not only you will take points without do any,but it will also let you lose much time,from the moment the enemy's hit will push you away.But when you will master the comebacks(and this is the first thing to do if you want to play wushu),you will understand that even +30k of damage aren't impossible to regain(it need 1 head shot,or 1 good body hit + another average hit etc)in a match of 750 frames(that's why wushu need minimum 750,and every mod with lesser is just a shit)
I suggest a "relax all" training for who start to play this mod:learn how work relaxed joints,is maybe the first thing that every wushuer should know(togheter with comebacks).For train with relax you have just to press "c" 2 times often during the match,and then trying to move few joints for see what happen

Hope someone can fix my english for make this more understendable for everyone;p
Last edited by bRuCiA; Sep 13, 2011 at 04:07 PM.
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