cool cool,

mod maker is working much better now. It's a bit crazy to navigate, but I guess there's a lot of information to deal with.

I would like to ask about the object grouping thing again though as this would be a very very useful feature.

For example, you want to make a track of some sort, you build one section of track and then make it a group, then simply copy and paste that group to add more sections of track. Scenery like trees and buildings could be made once and then cloned rather than having to make a new one every time.

One thing to take into consideration is how the group of objects are moved and rotated afterwards. The rotation would be a bit more complicated to work out as it'd have to rotate around the center of the group, rather than the center of each object.

But if you could add this feature, things would be much quicker.

I want to make a bobsleigh mod
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem