I could always volunteer my mac, but alas, my expertise in coding and compiling is limited, and by limited, I mean nonexistent. But hey, I has an iBook!
<3 MBK :D
Howdy, slight delay on THP2.0 due to crappy experiences with Moonix (The library I was using was somewhat less useful than I anticipated). So I'm rewriting some bits, I'll give you an update when I make some more progress.
(Oh, also I just got a new PC, so there were mandatory hours of fiddling, a format and some games of Supreme Commander on my new hardware But these shallow games won't keep me entertained for long ;) )

Keep up the work guy!
And I reccommend VMWare for any *nix programming you need to do.
凸[◣_◢]凸 PRAISE LID 凸[◣_◢]凸 FUCK THA HATERS 凸[◣_◢]凸 PUT THIS IN YO SIG IF U DOWN 凸[◣_◢]凸
A Mac version of head preview would be incredibly useful. If this is a success, may all honor and glory and praise be unto your cross-platforming skill.
work still in progress ?
sorry to revive an old thread but is there any news about this project or it is abandoned ?

it would be so sad not to finish this , it looks really awesome and would help a great lot of people in my opinion
Be sure to add a feature that lets you design half of the face and then mirror it to the other side, I don't know if you already thought of that, but if not, it'll give you something to put on your task list, nice job by the way. ;)