Originally Posted by Marrez View Post

you use "an" before a word that starts with a vowel

it doesn't matter that uke's a japanese word, we're using english

Not exactly, its about how you say it

a + consonant sound
If the following word starts with a consonant sound, then we say a:

a cat
a game of golf
a human emotion
a Peruvian
a very nice lady

an + vowel sound
If the following word starts with a vowel sound, then we say an:

an apple
an easy job
an interesting film
an old man
an umbrella

The Importance of Sound
Normally, we pronounce consonant letters with a consonant sound, and vowel letters with a vowel sound. But there are some exceptions. The rule about a or an is still the same. You just need to think about the sound, not the writing. Look at these examples:

vowel letter but consonant sound
a European country----------- you-ro-pe-an
a one-day conference ---------- won-day
a university--------------- you-ni-ver-si-ty

I'm spanish so I pronounce it like the japanese way. Also Uke is a name, is not an object so, no "A" and no "AN
Running away...
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
It's more a term than a name; Tori is the one who lands a successful attack and the Uke is the other person in Judo, and the terms are swapped over for Aikido

Learn to read the thread before you post.

Also, gotta love marrez and his sarcastic posts kappa :^)
Originally Posted by duck View Post
Learn to read the thread before you post.

Also, gotta love marrez and his sarcastic posts kappa :^)

Uh yeah?.. What I said wasn't wrong?.. What's your point.
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Uh yeah?.. What I said wasn't wrong?.. What's your point.

sorry, the comment after the quote was pointed at supersba
Originally Posted by duck View Post
sorry, the comment after the quote was pointed at supersba

Aha, no worries then :')

Well I guess that answers that, show your friend this thread and see what he thinks now :P
Fun fact: Uke in japanese means the feminine guy in a yaoi relationship. Gg
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
okay, thanks guys.
Good debate, brought up some stuff i didn't even know.

Thanks for not making this thread shit
