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Taekkyon 2020

Hello, welcome to my new mod! Before I get into more technical stuff I'd like to thank you for even checking this thread out. Taekkyon has arguably been always my favorite mod and it deeply saddens me that not many still play it. So I got the grand idea of putting my modding skills to some use and give taekkyon a new coat! You might be wondering: "Well what really can you improve/change on taekkyon?", to which I have a quite simple answer: everything. And by everything I mean I altered the mod to the point where (hopefully) it becomes popular again and hopefully more competetive too. Here's a short list of new features added:

  • Modified body
  • Stronger limbs and abs
  • Stronger wrists and ankles
  • Fractures
  • Higher dismember threshold (fracture threshold too)
  • Slightly longer reaction time
  • Self damage removed

Please note that this mod is still a work in progress and any of these features still could be changed if I deem the change reasonable.

Now for the technical stuff, below is a full code for those who are curious to see it (or for those who don't believe me):

version 12
world_shader data/shader/default.inc
   matchframes 120
   turnframes 10
   flags 11
   grip 1
   dismemberment 1
   fracture 1
   disqualification 1
   dqtimeout 0
   dqflag 1
   dismemberthreshold 125
   fracturethreshold 105
   pointthreshold 0
   winpoint 0
   dojotype 0
   dojosize 0
   engagedistance 180
   engageheight 0
   engagerotation 0
   engagespace 0
   engageplayerrot 0,0,0,0,0,0
   damage 0
   gravity 0.00 0.00 -9.82
   sumo 1
   reactiontime 20
   drawwinner 0
   maxcontacts 8
use_model 0
model_name taekkyon
player 0
   body head
      pos 1.00 0.85 2.60
   body breast
      sides 0.22 0.10 0.30
      pos 0.99 0.90 2.20
      point_hit 50
   body stomach
      sides 0.45 0.15 0.20
      pos 1.00 0.95 1.75
      point_hit 40
   body groin
      sides 0.20 0.10 0.20
      pos 1.00 0.95 1.50
      point_hit 30
   body r_pecs
      pos 0.75 0.90 2.15
      point_hit 50
   body r_biceps
      pos 0.45 0.90 2.30
      point_hit 50
   body r_triceps
      sides 0.40 0.12 0.12
      pos 0.05 0.90 2.30
      point_hit 25
   body l_pecs
      pos 1.25 0.90 2.15
      point_hit 50
   body l_biceps
      pos 1.55 0.90 2.30
      point_hit 50
   body l_triceps
      sides 0.40 0.12 0.12
      pos 1.95 0.90 2.30
      point_hit 25
   body r_hand
      sides 0.25 0.17 0.20
      pos -0.35 0.90 2.30
   body l_hand
      sides 0.25 0.17 0.20
      pos 2.35 0.90 2.30
   body r_thigh
      sides 0.15 0.30 0.00
      pos 0.80 1.00 1.10
   body l_thigh
      sides 0.15 0.30 0.20
      pos 1.20 1.00 1.10
   body r_foot
      pos 0.80 0.85 0.10
   body l_foot
      pos 1.20 0.85 0.10
   joint neck
      pos 1.00 0.90 2.45
      strength 1.50
      point_hit 50
   joint chest
      radius 0.20
      pos 1.00 0.90 2.05
      point_hit 50
   joint lumbar
      pos 1.00 0.95 1.85
      range 0.65 -0.65
   joint abs
      radius 0.16
      pos 1.00 1.00 1.65
   joint r_pecs
      radius 0.20
      pos 0.85 0.85 2.20
      strength 4.00
      point_hit 50
   joint r_elbow
      pos 0.25 0.90 2.30
      strength 3.00
   joint l_pecs
      radius 0.20
      pos 1.15 0.85 2.20
      strength 4.00
      point_hit 50
   joint l_elbow
      pos 1.75 0.90 2.30
      strength 3.00
   joint r_wrist
      radius 0.10
      pos -0.20 0.90 2.30
      strength 1.50
      velocity 100.00
      point_hit 20
   joint l_wrist
      radius 0.10
      pos 2.20 0.90 2.30
      strength 1.50
      velocity 100.00
      point_hit 20
   joint r_glute
      radius 0.17
      pos 0.90 1.10 1.51
      point_hit 30
   joint l_glute
      radius 0.17
      pos 1.10 1.10 1.51
      point_hit 30
   joint r_hip
      radius 0.18
      pos 0.79 1.00 1.40
      strength 4.00
      point_hit 20
   joint l_hip
      radius 0.18
      pos 1.21 1.00 1.40
      strength 4.00
      point_hit 20
   joint r_knee
      pos 0.80 1.00 0.80
      strength 3.00
   joint l_knee
      pos 1.20 1.00 0.80
      strength 3.00
   joint r_ankle
      pos 0.80 1.00 0.25
      strength 1.50
      velocity 80.00
   joint l_ankle
      pos 1.20 1.00 0.25
      strength 1.50
      velocity 80.00
player 1
   body head
      pos 1.00 0.85 2.60
   body breast
      sides 0.22 0.10 0.30
      pos 1.00 0.90 2.20
      point_hit 50
   body stomach
      sides 0.45 0.15 0.20
      pos 1.00 0.95 1.75
      point_hit 40
   body groin
      sides 0.20 0.10 0.20
      pos 1.00 0.95 1.50
      point_hit 30
   body r_pecs
      pos 0.75 0.90 2.15
      point_hit 50
   body r_biceps
      pos 0.45 0.90 2.30
      point_hit 50
   body r_triceps
      sides 0.40 0.12 0.12
      pos 0.05 0.90 2.30
      point_hit 25
   body l_pecs
      pos 1.25 0.90 2.15
      point_hit 50
   body l_biceps
      pos 1.55 0.90 2.30
      point_hit 50
   body l_triceps
      sides 0.40 0.12 0.12
      pos 1.95 0.90 2.30
      point_hit 25
   body r_hand
      sides 0.25 0.17 0.20
      pos -0.35 0.90 2.30
   body l_hand
      sides 0.25 0.17 0.20
      pos 2.35 0.90 2.30
   body r_thigh
      sides 0.15 0.30 0.00
      pos 0.80 1.00 1.10
   body l_thigh
      sides 0.15 0.30 0.20
      pos 1.20 1.00 1.10
   body r_foot
      pos 0.80 0.85 0.10
   body l_foot
      pos 1.20 0.85 0.10
   joint neck
      pos 1.00 0.90 2.45
      strength 1.50
      point_hit 50
   joint chest
      radius 0.20
      pos 1.00 0.90 2.05
      point_hit 50
   joint lumbar
      pos 1.00 0.95 1.85
      range 0.65 -0.65
   joint abs
      radius 0.16
      pos 1.00 1.00 1.65
   joint r_pecs
      radius 0.20
      pos 0.85 0.85 2.20
      strength 4.00
      point_hit 50
   joint r_elbow
      pos 0.25 0.90 2.30
      strength 3.00
   joint l_pecs
      radius 0.20
      pos 1.15 0.85 2.20
      strength 4.00
      point_hit 50
   joint l_elbow
      pos 1.75 0.90 2.30
      strength 3.00
   joint r_wrist
      radius 0.10
      pos -0.20 0.90 2.30
      strength 1.50
      velocity 100.00
      point_hit 20
   joint l_wrist
      radius 0.10
      pos 2.20 0.90 2.30
      strength 1.50
      velocity 100.00
      point_hit 20
   joint r_glute
      radius 0.17
      pos 0.90 1.10 1.51
      point_hit 30
   joint l_glute
      radius 0.17
      pos 1.10 1.10 1.51
      point_hit 30
   joint r_hip
      radius 0.18
      pos 0.79 1.00 1.40
      strength 4.00
      point_hit 20
   joint l_hip
      radius 0.18
      pos 1.21 1.00 1.40
      strength 4.00
      point_hit 20
   joint r_knee
      pos 0.80 1.00 0.80
      strength 3.00
   joint l_knee
      pos 1.20 1.00 0.80
      strength 3.00
   joint r_ankle
      pos 0.80 1.00 0.25
      strength 1.50
      velocity 80.00
   joint l_ankle
      pos 1.20 1.00 0.25
      strength 1.50
      velocity 80.00

As I have stated above, my primary goals with the mod at hand is to make taekkyon popular again and perhaps more fun to some. The changes in this mod, compared to classic taekkyon, were done from reflecting on my own experience and also from discussing it with other players (shoutout to Haku). So far I have received mostly positive feedback which encouraged me to work on the mod even more and also to make this thread to begin with. Whether this mod becomes popular or not, at very least I hope to open doors to taekkyon to less experienced players or to those, who had negative experience with it in the past.

Again, thank you for checking out this thread and I will be more than happy to hear some feedback and perhaps criticism. I'm taking this project very seriously with a good intent at heart, so I have sworn to myself to do the best job I can here. If you want to test the mod out in multiplayer simply enter the command below into the chat:

/lm tk5.tbm

Note that this name is temporary since I'm still not quite decided on what to call this mod after it's completed. This is also where I would love to hear some feedback and suggestions. You also can alternatively test the previous versions of the mod by simply typing either /lm tk2.tbm or /lm tk3.tbm (or tk4.tbm) into the chat.

Thank you for being an awesome community and giving me a small part of your time.



Attached Files
tk4.tbm (5.8 KB, 7 views)
tk5.tbm (5.8 KB, 14 views)
Last edited by Zephh; Apr 6, 2020 at 09:40 PM. Reason: Removed self-damage.
I'm back on that bull like the cowboy
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