Belt Prizes,Streak prizes,gif textures and 1st,2nd and 3rd prizes
I have much ideas.

*1- Prizes per belt.
If you complete the white belt you receive 1000 tc,yellow 1000,orange 1000,green 1000,blue 1000,brown 1000,black 2000,2nd dan 3000,etc

*2- Streak prizes.
If you make a 5 streak you receive 300 tc,7 streak,other 100 tc,900 other 100 tc,etc

*3- Gif Textures.
You can put gif textures with the option of disable the gif showing a unique "image" or texture.

*4-1st,2nd and 3rd places prizes in tourney
If you are in the first place you receive 500tc.If you are in the second place you receive 400tc.If you are in the third place you receive 100tc.

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Last edited by Lazors; Nov 22, 2015 at 08:46 PM.
Nice Signature...