M<ake a new layer and paste ONLY THE VISOR into it and drag the copied layer behind the main visor layer then blur it and it will have a glow effect.
If you didn't do it in layers...
1 : That sucks,seriously.
2 : It won't work..
Tint is sex.
ok so praeter when i press enter there are these lines that are still there then what do i do thats a ll i need help with
Originally Posted by Praeter View Post
M<ake a new layer and paste ONLY THE VISOR into it and drag the copied layer behind the main visor layer then blur it and it will have a glow effect.
If you didn't do it in layers...
1 : That sucks,seriously.
2 : It won't work..

Thank you, Praeter.
not dead
Nice (very) basic tutorial
Though it doesn't really help anyone who has even a bit of knowledge of how gimp works

I am thinking about making my own "Complete Head Texture Cartoon Tutorial"
Please, this is not Anime.
Search some more with the keyword "Anime" before you label something.
I'm getting pretty pissed at all the people that make "humanlike" heads and
label them Anime.

Call this cartoon or humanlike, whatever.

For the tutorial,
the small text is hard to read compared to the huge images.
Why not edit the text into the screenshots for a better view.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.

When I popped up in here I though I was going to learn more about anime heads.

But it just some human cartoon faces and so on.

This is a very basic thing nowadays.

Making a relastic hair 2 big eyes and a mouth doesn't call it a anime .

As Alpha suggested try searching for anime before posting a tutorial.
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