Original Post
Prizes for belts, win streaks, variable tourney prizes, logging in, 2nd place
Note: This thread has been merged with similar threads.

Others suggestions in this thread:
- tourney prizes proportional to the number of games played, or participants.
- win streak prizes
- prizes for gaining belts
- some sort of reward for overcoming the challenge of logging in?
- bigger prizes for anything and everything

My idea is that there should be another tc tourney but with more tc like 1k, 1,500 or 2k. I mean I think it would be much more fun and easier for people to get textures, and for noobs just starting to have a good amount of tc. The mod could be aikido or Rk mama. I just think there should be another tourney besides 500tc and 750tc you know a little higher.
Last edited by Fish; Oct 30, 2012 at 01:31 AM.
I agree also example there are many people in the server then you really worked hard to win the you won only 500 TC it's like not worth it.
Originally Posted by WereWhale View Post
Yea, and maybe a smaller prize for 2nd and 3rd?

No, just no man.


It could be something like this:


15 people; 4k
10-14 people; 3k
7-9 people; 2k
5-6 people; 600
2-4 people; 500

Anyone agree?
Gradeger I agree.

It's good idea.

But i see this like that :

15-20 People - 5k
5-10 People - 3k
0-5 People - 500 tc.

Anyone agree.
Originally Posted by OxyPL View Post
Gradeger I agree.

It's good idea.

But i see this like that :

15-20 People - 5k
5-10 People - 3k
0-5 People - 500 tc.

Anyone agree.

That's waaaaaaay too much,

15-20 1k
5-10 750tc
0-5 500tc

This way is fair.
mindless machine
Originally Posted by AmmarSH View Post
"what if the official tourneys prizes depends on its players number"

You can't make the tourney prize based on the amount players playing. That would only help farmers (multiclienters) even more. And since multiclienting would benefit everyone in the server, people will be more willing to let these farmers 'farm.'

The best thing to do is to increase the tourney prize of the mods that are played the most. Judo I know is one of them, I forget the other.
"Fear not the Tori who has practiced 10,000 openers once, but fear the Tori who has practiced one opener 10,000 times."
Originally Posted by calendb View Post
100tc per person

Totally supported.

i agree with calendb, its fair
Originally Posted by AmmarSH View Post
What if the prize depends on the number of matches played , this is better huh ?

Well, right now they have it set on 5 matches and the player gets the prize, but if there are 4 games or lower, no prize is given.

So they should really just add to that system..

I agree with AmmarSH.