i think the "impro/random" need to be explained once more:when we say go random,it's not that you have to click on your tori with your eyes simply mean to improvise,to don't use a pre-made move.Bur a part this,you can try to do what you want(in this occasion "random" is used in contrast with "pre-made")
In this way you'll really learn how to move the tori with wushu grav and with 50 frames in many situation.Of course at start will happen (more or less often) to fall to the ground,but if you play with concentration(and wushu needs a high concentration on the game)you will be able to memorize what was wrong,and to don't commit it again in future in a similar situation(same when you do something good).
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I like this tutorial a lot, going to help people getting started.

You should add to the "tips" that when kicking, it's wise to relax your ancle for a more effective hit, as the foot will place itself between limbs and dismember them.

Also, you're head is vulnerable in wushu, protecting it using your elbows could be useful.

Last edited by snake; Mar 7, 2012 at 05:00 AM.
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~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15