hey have you seen juntbot ? try to "Melt" them together(its functions)
Helge Sverre - System Developer
Well i got a new feature "Minimize To Tray" it will help alot
Helge Sverre - System Developer
Originally Posted by gamerbad View Post
Well i got a new feature "Minimize To Tray" it will help alot

I'll try to make it to the next release. (Never did so)

Btw. Double accounter kickage feature is done and working nicely
Bout list is now working nicely too.
Commands (Un)SpecAll, (Un)MuteAll and KickAll are done.

Working at config file right nao.
could you edit into your first post where exactly you put the Qt files?

in the program folder isn't clear enough, srry.

or is it just the same folder as the iBot.exe?
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Originally Posted by Carlton View Post
could you edit into your first post where exactly you put the Qt files?

in the program folder isn't clear enough, srry.

or is it just the same folder as the iBot.exe?

yeah, i thought it had to be THERE, so it took me a couple of minutes to realize what u meant.
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Originally Posted by Carlton View Post
could you edit into your first post where exactly you put the Qt files?
in the program folder isn't clear enough, srry.
or is it just the same folder as the iBot.exe?

That's it:

Originally Posted by iLLepidus View Post
iBot is written under C++/QT, so if u dont have QT4 installed u will also need to download QT libs and place them in program folder. Remember, that u need download tham only ones. Sorry for inconvinience.

Well english my native laguage is native language. Please make it phrase correct please.
Last edited by iLLepidus; Mar 5, 2009 at 07:07 AM.
That bot need's auto kick\ban , auto op , auto mute
и ненадо говорить что он похож нп бтц бота будет это жызненно важные функции!
и научи С++ Моя ася 352-032-746
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Originally Posted by subreality View Post
That bot need's auto kick\ban , auto op , auto mute
и ненадо говорить что он похож нп бтц бота будет это жызненно важные функции!
и научи С++ Моя ася 352-032-746

auto kick\ban , auto op , auto mute will be in next version.