and this is to Project. u let ur 6yo brother play. u know the amount of bullshit people talk when they play. lots of stuff much more filty then dildo. so u should be carefull letting him play it.
People talk about a lot of crap here, but come on. How is [Vibrating]POWERdildo appropriate at all?
Back in my day...
and how is "rape" appropriate? i posted a screenie. no one said anything about it. "oh its about u not him" so rape aint MUCH more offensive? a dildo is a common thing these days
you are fighting a losing battle. you will not come out on top in this situation...
I r Batdude.
just cuz someone decided to pick on me? fine. i said im gonna change my name to "TheRapist" since rape is apropriate and non offensive. u can close the thread. its useless when people dont give a damn about the rest. dildo is wrong. rape is right. and PID666 u shouldnt be so mad just cuz i beat u on joust. i know it must be hard to lose against a white belt but damn...
Originally Posted by isha View Post
you have fun being kicked and banned every few matches by the always online admins. i know i'll have fun

And even when they're offline, they have a *BANNABLE PLAYER!* sense in their heads. They rush to the nearest computer, (or, in some cases, use just their minds) and ban you. =)
Authentic Furry
vibrating power dildo?


that totally made my day, bahaha. god, I am so going to remember that.

we're not the U.S government, we're a dictatorship run by me and I guess if you want to flip out and cry at me because you suddenly learned what dildo meant, I hope you will email me at [email protected].

thanks, and LOCKED.

have fun playing with your awesome name powerdildo. if any mods start hassling you, just point them to this post.

bbl in like a week
Powerdildo, I would say that your name falls into the grey area somewhere between "MrTwinkie" and "MadamC*ntFlaphead*

So a mod banned you from a room, so what? Its just one room so build a bridge and get over it. Had you said nothing we would have never thought of it again.

Now I want to ban you myself, so that your simulating personal personality doesn't overstimulate into blowing our cool.

There is kids here. If your parents wouldn't approve, then we don't approve.

We are your digital parents. Now take off your pants. Tis time for a spankering!

(Ps: Veb would be your kind Mother. I am your arsehole Father.)
<( O )>