I'm 11 out of 10. I've never lost a fight in ToriBash. Mostly, when my opponents see my epic textures, they either quit or just lax all because they KNOW they do not stand a chance against a Toribash Legend like me. I will take on ANYONE in this game. I bet 100% of my TC that I will beat them. Anyone, anytime.
f=m*a syens
Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post
iLiltay go get scammed pls, kthxbai.

also, my general skill might be:
How do you even a Toribash?/10

I normally go by join dates when i dont know the accounts... and yes, purge the alt accounts.
i got my reasons...

Originally Posted by Muur View Post
According to members of the community, I am the best. However, I honestly feel like I am somewhere in the upper-mid range of Toribash players. I am also one of the buurst Toribash players of all time.

These results came from a random IRC poll and therefore have little to no validity. I have played the game for a long time though, so I'm nothing too terrible.

Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
I'm 11 out of 10. I've never lost a fight in ToriBash. Mostly, when my opponents see my epic textures, they either quit or just lax all because they KNOW they do not stand a chance against a Toribash Legend like me. I will take on ANYONE in this game. I bet 100% of my TC that I will beat them. Anyone, anytime.

thesecret: who are you young sir? I really dont know you, yet when ever you see me, in-game or even on a thread... you just have something to say :>

Anyways its quite inappropriate, and immature due to the fact its a completely useless post. When posting in discussion at least contribute to the topic...

Muur poll's have nothing to do with skill silly cause everything is either popularity contests or they are voting for trolls cause they have nothing better to do :> I remember you though, but I dont remember our relationship. :P werent we gonna make a clan together?

arglax: tell me your trolling Plz? you have 1000fights and a 50% qi meaning you lost about 500 that being on a serious note, if you were trolling, very funny, you had me goin'. If your serious then ill take you on just for shits and giggles mr. legend.

Most cocky people are those who see them selfs as a highbelt and think that means they can take anyone, but thats a fools believe. #neverjudgeabookbyitscover
God tiered. Not sure why, just born that way.
Last edited by Fancy; Aug 3, 2013 at 08:05 AM.
nothing much

I used to thought I'm some of the best, now I think I'm the best.

It's like a full 10 of 10. Who pulls out the most impossible saves? Me! Who deals the most damage? Me! Who gets the most decaps? Me! Who moves most swiftly? Me!
Ok, you'll sometimes see me lose duels to some fellas, but it's either because:

a) I'm drunk
b) They used gay moves on me
c) Both
In-game, I'd honestly rank myself at 1/10. I'm absolutely dreadful in-game.
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