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[War] Current ranking system.

I've been extremely "motivated" to play the game these past few months just because of the war system. I love competitive gaming and enjoy Toribash so combining those in a clanwar is so much fun for me. But I just heard from GM's (Moop, Smallbowl) that the ranking system is completely uncompetitive. For example the ranked #1 clan [Wapow] in the last 50 games have lost 24, which is almost half (26 wins 24 losses). On the other hand # 41 [Parrot]s full record is 25 wins 4 losses. [Wapow]'s full record is too long to document so I only took the last 50 games seen, so the data isnt fully accurate but still very clear. There should be no reason [Parrot] is ranked #41.

What is the point of a ranking system, if it does not encourage winning? How can you rank clans if the point system is unable to record even remotely accurately the best clan (which Im not saying we are)? Getting only points for winning in a ladder where you can war as much as you like is indeed a bit pointless.

In order for Toribash to generate even the slightest hint of esport viability (which would be awesome) fixing the ranking system should be high priority. At its current state it does not encourage winning other than "for honour", and it definitely does not give any gratification from being a high ranked clan. The knowledge that it doesnt really matter if you win or lose does really lower my motivation for warring.

I really hope to hear about the problems that my proposal might pose and would be more than happy to help the mod team in this problem to create a better ranking system and a better competitive enviorment for us all.

EQUATION FOR RANKINGS (important shit)



I will address the problems and solutions in PS.

1. How?

There are plenty of algorythms and scripts of ladder/ranking systems online, and If that is hard to implement, even a simple 1 point per lose 1 point per win would be better than the current system.

2. Would It cause clans to only play games that are certain wins?

If the point system rewards winning higher ranked team then definitely not. It would actually benefit the lower ranked teams to challenge higher ranked ones. Thus creating a richer and more diverse ladder.

3. Clans would only pick their own mods then?

My proposal is that in "ladder matches" if agreement on the mod cannot be found its half and half mods, each clan chooses an official mod and its split. If both are fine with lets say ABD, no problem.

4. It would deter casual players from warring?

Possibly, but then again the games casual nature is the largest part of the experience already. Dedicating a small part of TB to competition would be fine in my opinion

5. What about the current ladder?

That is up to the devs, I personally would be fine with a reset or implementation into the current standings.


-Easy to reward active clans and players with prizes for winning.
- Brings "professionalism" to warring.
-Competition is fun and so is winning, it is very satisfying to climb the ladder and achieve a higher rank when you really deserve it!


-Implementation could require some work/programming which I dont understand so I cannot comment on it.
Last edited by cowmeat; Oct 23, 2015 at 12:49 PM.
I completely agree with all of this and it over all makes more sense like this


Biggest Question Of The Year

I fly like how you guys are putting effort to make the changes you want also I like this idea supported
I be that fan for siscon, lolicon, any form of pixlepussy I can pooled my dick out and skeet on it buakky on they face
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
Alright I'm going to try to explain why I believe most rating systems collapse in Toribash, because I've talked about this at great lengths and changed my view point many times.

ELOs are designed specifically for One vs. One matchmaking systems. The perfect example of a pretty much perfect ELO/MMR system is Chess. So now having said that, we can establish two things Toribash would need to be to have an actual ELO system:

1) One vs. One Fighting

2) A matchmaking system

We've got #1, we don't have #2. Their is absolutely no form of match making in Toribash. The closest we have are rooms that are separated by belts, but as we all know, Games Played is far from 1 to 1 with skill. Much like their are people with 200 games played in Challenger rank in League of Legends and people with 1,000 games played in Bronze 5, there are good Toribash players with only 1,000 games played and some crappy ones with 6,000 games played.

Because you can play against anyone at any time, and you get to choose who you play, the system is entirely broken. If Bobby Fischer wanted to get a higher rating in chess, he couldn't just target 1000 MMR players, and farm them like nothing. He exclusively played the absolute best players in chess, as that were literally the only games that affected his rating.

Any "pick your opponent, every game counts" system is going to get exploited no matter what your variables are. It's extremely obvious that this is the chief problem in rank both in Clans and on the individual level. I guarantee you "Frost" (who?) didn't get rank 1 globally by playing a bunch of boxshu_mushu vs. high level players like Shmevin. And I hardly think "Litmuz" (who?) should get rank 3 globally because he played a crapton of Shaolin Soccer. If they had to actually play good Toribash players, they would be the ones getting farmed. And on the Clan level, (make no mistake I mean no malice or ill intent by saying this. I respect the shit out of these clans for what they bring to the game): WAPOW keeping ranked 1 in Clans for it's wins against "Shaolin"(who?), "MHE Dead Clan"(who?), "Sprite"(who?), and "TeamAsu"(who?) is the same equivalence. Every year in clan league a lot of these clans try to compete, which is awesome I'm glad they do. But every year, they show why the top 10 clans in the Clan List Ranking System are all not actually anywhere near the top clans in strength. Small exception being Obey, who haven't come close to winning any major event, but at least usually make the top 16 and do bring a lot to the table to mid-tier to low high-tier play. Nitro last year in Clan League shocked the scene by destroying Inq to pieces. Their performance in Clan Siege; however, was a bit on the weak side. I believe their were roster changes.

So we would have to drastically change how we rate players and clans in order to make them reflect strength. The problem with that is, there isn't incentive for developers to do that. If newer unofficial clans of younger people, who are extremely active, see themselves rising the ranks to #1, they get super excited and play a bunch more. They play a bunch more as a team too. They get hooked to Toribash, and they spend money on this game. Toribash devs are probably going to value the money brought in by keeping the "Ranking System" as a "Pat You on the Back System" over actual assessment of skill among clans and individuals. Anything that encourages activity in Toribash, especially to this degree, is a homerun. Luckily, they still host the biggest event in the year, Clan League, where we can see how strong clans actually are in a fair setting using actual competitive mods.

Didn't we settle upon having ranked servers and unranked servers fixing this problem? Just set public servers to "rankinteraction=0" and have dedicated ranked servers so that we finally separate the two aspects of the game: Having fun, and competing. The ELO system in itself is not problematic, but the way it is implemented has not fixed the problems of the rank-system it were set out to fix in the first place, and having a matchmaking system built around a crappy system in the first place doesn't sound like a good idea, does it?
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
New Clan Ranking System
We must know first, what is the basis in which the clans are classified. How to know which is the best and most skilled clan in-game?

Right now, the true actual ranking system is based on who has more wars done. The win/loss ratio are useless to classify, and basically the real name of this system should be "who did most wars on aikidobigdojo".
In my vision of which clan is the best of all(in-game related), is that the clan must be skilled on almost every aspects of what defines the Toribash gameplay. And the most famous and official mods should be a place where the clans can show their skills and so be ranked.

How could works:

Lets say, some official mods will be selected to be the only mods to war.

War mods(WM):

Instead of having just one rank list and the "free" choice to war on any mod, imagine a restriction to selected mods and each of them could have its own ranking system, where clans will have to war in those mods to be on their ranks. The combination of all war mod ranks will determine the ultimate clans rank.

To prevent this:
1st New Clan 2 wins/ 0 loss | win ratio 100%
2nd Old Clan 24 wins/ 10 loss | win ratio 71%

New Clan is better! (NOT)

The amount of wars done should be divided by groups like this:

0-9 wars or less
Clan A - 8 wars | win ratio 55%
Clan B - 2 wars | win ratio 40%
Clan C - 5 wars | win ratio 60%

10-19 wars
Clan D - 13 wars | win ratio 64%
Clan E - 16 wars | win ratio 45%
Clan F - 15 wars | win ratio 50%

20-29 wars
Clan G - 22 wars | win ratio 67%
Clan H - 21 wars | win ratio 40%
Clan I - 28 wars | win ratio 52%

30-39 wars
40-49 wars
50-99 wars
100-199 wars

Clans A, B, C, should not compare with Clans D, E, F, and so on. This will avoid the problem of New Clans being on top with around 2 wars done, above Old Clans with lots of wars done. So new clans will be on the lowest ranks, though the speed of going higher depends on the total win ratio that they has. New clan with high win ratio, can rank up faster than a new clan with mid/low win ratio, and so on with any old/new clans in their respective groups of amounts of wars.

The final rank order in this example should be this:

1st Clan G
2nd Clan I
3rd Clan H
4th Clan D
5th Clan F
6th Clan E
7th Clan C
8th Clan A
9th Clan B

-many wars = more experienced > few wars = less experienced
more experienced = has proven what are their skills = higher rank
less experienced = skills needs to be proven = lower rank
-high win ratio > low win ratio


-Aikido; 60 - 76 wars made
1st Clan A - ~wins/ ~loss(25 - 29 wars) | win ratio 60%
2nd Clan C - ~wins/ ~loss(25 - 29 wars) | win ratio 58%
3rd Clan B - ~wins/ ~loss(5 - 9 wars) | win ratio 55%
4th Clan D - ~wins/ ~loss(5 - 9 wars) | win ratio 49%

Aikido Champion: Clan A

-Judo; 30 - 48 wars made
1st Clan B - ~wins/ ~loss(10 - 15 wars) | win ratio 55%
2nd Clan D - ~wins/ ~loss(10 - 15 wars) | win ratio 49%
3rd Clan A - ~wins/ ~loss(5 - 9 wars) | win ratio 60%
4th Clan C - ~wins/ ~loss(5 - 9 wars) | win ratio 55%

Judo Champion: Clan B

-Lenshu; 60 - 76 wars made
1st Clan A - ~wins/ ~loss(25 - 29 wars) | win ratio 60%
2nd Clan C - ~wins/ ~loss(25 - 29 wars) | win ratio 58%
3rd Clan B - ~wins/ ~loss(5 - 9 wars) | win ratio 60%
4th Clan D - ~wins/ ~loss(5 - 9 wars) | win ratio 45%

Lenshu Champion: Clan A

-Taekkyon; 30 - 48 wars made
1st Clan D - ~wins/ ~loss(10 -15 wars) | win ratio 55%
2nd Clan B - ~wins/ ~loss(10 - 15 wars) | win ratio 45%
3rd Clan C - ~wins/ ~loss(5 - 9 wars) | win ratio 59%
4th Clan A - ~wins/ ~loss(5 - 9 wars) | win ratio 52%

Taekkyon Champion: Clan D

Total; 180 - 248 wars made
1st Clan A - 60 - 76 wars| win ratio 57%
2nd Clan C - 60 - 76 wars | win ratio 58%
3rd Clan B - 30 - 48 wars| win ratio 53%
4th Clan D - 30 - 48 wars | win ratio 49%

**This example probably has some mathematical errors so please just focus on the structure and the main process.**

I bet some of you say, where is abd? well, aikidobigdojo has been massively overused and turned into a farm points for wars because isn't really hard nor easy to play it. Lots of people already know well that mod so if this system will be implemented then it's obvious that everyone will choose abd only and then the system will be useless. Also, abd is a modification of aikido so isn't a main original classic mod of Toribash. (This comes more from my opinion than from a fact, so i understand it can definitely change.)

Talking about choosing only one mod to rank faster, some limits between wars made on each mod can be a solution to this:
A maximum of 5 wars of difference between wars done on every mod.

Clan A; wars done
Aikido - 0 wars
Judo - 2 wars
Lenshu - 5 wars (max. reached)
Taekkyon - 3 wars

*If the clan reaches the limit, the wars made on the respective mod will not count. (neither is a win or loss)*

In addition to this, when the system calculates the main total win ratio, the results must be divided by 400 (cuz in this case are 4 mods.) This is an optional strategy to make clans to war on every mod.

Clan A
Aikido - 50 wars | win ratio 64%
Lenshu - 45 wars | win ratio 55%
Taekkyon - 0 wars
Judo - 0 wars

total win ratio: 64+55 = 119/200 = 60% (no)
total win ratio: 64+55 = 119/400 = 30% (yes)

*This will also make win ratio more real when it's compared with others.*

In-game related:

Avoid solo wars - If it's called a clan is for a reason, so better be something to foment the participation of more members to war. It will be more real when comes to classify "who is the best clan".

*No member should win more than 50% of the determined matches.*

Ye, this will make more participation by members and the solo wars not so 'solo'.

War Setup:

The setup can stay as simple as it is right now. The only thing that should be added is the option to choose in which war mod the clan wants to fight.


As this system is waaay more complicate than the actual one, then it's reasonable to have some rewards for the clans who made it to 1st, 2nd and 3rd places on the mod ranks and the final rank.

The in-game clan tag can be modified:

Bronze Clan Tag

Silver Clan Tag

Gold Clan Tag

Also the titles of, for example, "Aikido Champions", "Lenshu Champions", and so on , can be added in some way or at least be a thing to be proud around the members and youknow, claim being the best aikido clan, etc.

Finally, to review the idea, some of the main points are:

- Make wars more challenging and make clans prove if they are really good on more mods than just abd (which will be more real the title of "Best Clan" because implies be good in the whole Toribash gameplay.)

- Implement the win ratio to classify.

- Avoid solo wars which is not valid when it comes to classify the whole clan.

- Reward the clans who made it to 1st, 2nd, 3rd places on any rank.

So that's all atm...
I don't know how all this could even be possible for y'all staff guys. i'm pretty sure it's hard to create all this system and make it run automatically. I'm just bringing the ideas that went through my mind in a way of "nothing is impossible", so yeah they are. I hope everything is clear enough to understand it.

Call me backseat moderator but I'll let this here:
Originally Posted by SkulFuk
SkulFuk's guide to making a suggetsion thread awesome rather than meh
1. Don't do that "supported" crap. NO, BAD, NO! That doesn't help the idea, and it doesn't get the idea any more attention. We don't care how many people support an idea, we care about how "developed" that idea is.

If someone likes the idea or some parts of it, please, lets post something to keep improving it.

Ill just post this here.
I pretty much did the same thread as you.
Your ideas are GREAT but the problem is that we cant get anyone to do it and doing it ourselves isnt really a possibility.

And sadly this isnt happening for a while. Talking to staff has made it pretty clear
Last edited by cowmeat; Jun 25, 2015 at 08:38 PM.
Your ideas are also great, but I believe that isn't necessary to keep the points system because it's more complicated than just calculate the win ratio and regroup the clans by wars done.
And yeah probably there aren't many staff members willing to do this. But still I have hope xd.
Originally Posted by Jodus View Post
Your ideas are also great, but I believe that isn't necessary to keep the points system because it's more complicated than just calculate the win ratio and regroup the clans by wars done.
And yeah probably there aren't many staff members willing to do this. But still I have hope xd.

I actually lost all hope for that today. Last talk with Scorpio revealed that this is not getting done in a long time. So as for discussing the specifics I dont think there is no point for that atm. Hampa wanted elo based system, Vitta was supposed to program it. Nothing happened.

Can you feel the bitterness
Last edited by cowmeat; Jun 25, 2015 at 08:55 PM.
I said this in another thread and I'll say it again. A new system is currently being worked on by the clan council and clan mods (don't ask GMs about this). We have been currently putting together features and changes for a new clan war system. If you have any ideas that you feel you would really love to see implemented you can PM me if you'd like to talk about it, or catch me on IRC. I'm personally interested to know what everyones ideas are, but posting multiple clan system threads doesn't really help.
Originally Posted by mwah View Post
I said this in another thread and I'll say it again. A new system is currently being worked on by the clan council and clan mods (don't ask GMs about this). We have been currently putting together features and changes for a new clan war system. If you have any ideas that you feel you would really love to see implemented you can PM me if you'd like to talk about it, or catch me on IRC. I'm personally interested to know what everyones ideas are, but posting multiple clan system threads doesn't really help.

^ Will do