I want to make it clear that any further attempts to spread literal Russian state propaganda and deliberate disinformation will be met with severe infractions.

Thank you for taking the time to give us a first-hand account of what’s happening Hug, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if anyone is giving you grief.
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
Originally Posted by lillian View Post
I want to make it clear that any further attempts to spread literal Russian state propaganda and deliberate disinformation will be met with severe infractions.

Thank you for taking the time to give us a first-hand account of what’s happening Hug, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if anyone is giving you grief.

Thank you for having my back, despite our mutual enmity in the past (at least for me).
But none of these commentators are giving me any grief, only laughter and contempt. They only bark, and when we'll win they gon change their side as fast as they change Kleenex on their work desk.
Aside from casualties, murdered people with hands tied behind their backs and bullet wounds in their heads, which were discovered by our forces in deoccupied cities, they also discovered murdered dogs, cows, and horses that were killed by rashists before the retreat.

The horses were burned alive: in Gostomel the occupiers burned the stable

In the Kharkiv region, rashists bombed and then shot the cows of the agricultural farm "Agromol"

You can also check the UA Animals Facebook page, it's an animal rights volunteer organization, they post a lot of info regarding animal victims of russian attacks. https://www.facebook.com/UAnimals.official

When the Russian brave troops retreated, they also cut bags of grain that they stole and scattered them so that no one could get them. They also wrote "RUSSIA RULES" on a fence. Surprised they didn't shit on the doorstep as well...
It's a pinnacle of "russian liberation".
Last edited by Hug; Apr 3, 2022 at 09:51 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by lillian View Post
I want to make it clear that any further attempts to spread literal Russian state propaganda and deliberate disinformation will be met with severe infractions.

Could you expand on what that entails? For example, if I posted a video of Russian war prisoners being beaten and executed by Ukranians, would you consider that propaganda? I'm trying to figure out whether this thread is for the purpose of realistically documenting war or is it solely pro-Ukraine.

Also I'd like to add that even in this thread there are few instances of Ukranian propaganda, yet that is severely overlooked as they are the "good guys". Regardless of your political views I think if you're going to ban propaganda, apply it to both sides at the very least.

In my honest opinion, even though I'm 100% pro-Ukraine, creating conditions where the oposing view can't even express their beliefes does more harm than good. There's no conversation and food for thought to be had when everything is one-sided. Let the opposition express their opinions, even if they're based on complete propaganda (minus the obvious trolls that just ragebait) to understand where they get their information and potentially come to more healthy conclustions.
Last edited by Smaguris; Apr 4, 2022 at 04:30 PM.
My condolences to all the people and families of Ukraine :/

No one deserves to have their life taken, we never want the stories we read in the books come true again. Stay safe and keep us updated!

Artist. Sometimes.

Originally Posted by Smaguris View Post
and where they get their information and potentially come to more healthy conclustions.

The only healthy conclusion you can have on this topic is that Putin's Russia is a new Nazi regime, that currently tearing and torturing my country and my people. Murdering, raping and marauding. Hate to hear the messages from so-called "Russian liberal mass media" who state that "it's unclear who and why murdered this people" in regard of the new footage from deoccupied cities such as Bucha, that shows dead civilians laying across the streets, most of them with hands tied behind their backs, mass graves in yards, and survivors, whose stories just a pure shock. And it makes me wonder if that's what happened there, what's happening RIGHT NOW on territories that still suffer under the occupation.
As for the videos of "Ukrainian" soldiers executing their captives, are you sure they are really Ukrainian? I saw one video, posted in a group of pro-Russian propagandist, who's hiding in Europe currently, and I was wondering
1. Why do they speak with a weird accent?
2. Why did they record is in case if that's the real execution which is, and everybody understand it, is a war crime?
3. How did he, the propagandist, get that video?
And other minor stuff such as why did he show half of his face, and location, and their camouflage etc.
Added NSFW tag to the thread as photos of war get more and more disturbing.

This is what Russia leaves behind: https://meduza.io/feature/2022/04/03...dry-etoy-voyny

Could you expand on what that entails? For example, if I posted a video of Russian war prisoners being beaten and executed by Ukranians, would you consider that propaganda? I'm trying to figure out whether this thread is for the purpose of realistically documenting war or is it solely pro-Ukraine.

I understand the point regarding "all propaganda bad", but I'm not entirely certain it's applicable in this current scenario.

Recording you speak about is horrible and is, if true, a demonstration of a war crime - but please don't ignore the officials' reaction. When we see cities destroyed to the ground, evidence of people raped and murdered by Russian soldiers, all that Putin's government comes up with is "that's not us that's all fake". They don't ever accept even the slightest idea that possibly some of those atrocities have been committed by their own army, which can't raise zero questions - especially considering their track record (e.g. denying plans to start war days before they started it). Ukraine's reaction to the torture video was, however, that they'll do a thorough investigation and would punish those responsible: https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/03/31/...d-be-war-crime

Russia's officials have about a 2% chance of not lying in their statements. According to them, it's the "Ukrainian nazis" that suddenly resurfaced from somewhere and started slaughtering people by thousands while the brave Russian soldiers try to save everyone. A bit surprising that it only started happening February 24th at 5 am, but yeah we gotta believe them there, I guess?

Certainly Ukrainian propaganda exists and it's part of the reason why the world actually sees the destruction Russia is causing to Ukrainian cities and people. Yes, there will also probably be some lies spread around as well, e.g. number of soldiers killed on both sides - all of that we'll only be able to learn after the war. Are those lies critical and on par with Russia's lies? No.

TLDR; Stuff that's been confirmed by independent media is 99% safe to post here. If it's also been used by Russian propaganda to "prove their point about Ukrainian nazis" that wouldn't affect how your post is treated - but just make sure you've actually checked the sources properly first.
Last edited by sir; Apr 5, 2022 at 10:15 AM.
Small take on current russian propaganda.
2 days ago, after horrific results of russian occupation of Kyiv region were published, russian ministry of defense publicly stated, that "Russian forces left the city on March 30, 4 days before the publication of evidence of crimes (by Ukraine)" but the "problem" is that just 4 days ago, on 01.04.2022 they stated "Russian forces, after 5 days of successfully holding an enemy back on the Hostomel - Bucha - Ozera way, took under the full control the whole territory from Irpen river up to Kyiv"

Also, 2 days ago, Russian state media/propaganda (and you know, that in Russia there are only state media who can "cover the political situation" which they do under the goverment's agenda) RIA Novosti published an article that is named "What should Russia do with Ukraine?"
It is HUGE, so I won't post the whole article for obvious reasons, you can throw it in any translator for yourself if you want, link above.
But I would like to share some statements with you, so you can understand clearly with whom we fight and why
Denazification is a set of measures in relation to the nazified mass of the population, which technically cannot be subjected to direct punishment as war criminals.

The Nazis who took up arms should be destroyed to the maximum on the battlefield. There should be no significant differences between the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the so-called national battalions (NOTE: Idk what that means, we have no such thing as "national battalions"), as well as the territorial defense that joined these two types of military formations.
There must be a total lustration. Any organizations that have associated themselves with the practice of Nazism have been liquidated and banned. However, in addition to the top, a significant part of the masses, which are passive Nazis, accomplices of Nazism, are also guilty. They supported and indulged "Nazi" power. The just punishment of this part of the population is possible only as bearing the inevitable hardships of a just war against the "Nazi" system, waged as carefully and prudently as possible in relation to civilians.

Denazification can only be carried out by the winner, which implies (1) his absolute control over the denazification process and (2) the power to ensure such control. In this respect, a denazified country cannot be sovereign. The denazifying state - Russia - cannot proceed from a liberal approach with regard to denazification. The ideology of the denazifier cannot be disputed by the guilty party subjected to denazification.

The terms of denazification can in no way be less than one generation, which must be born, grow up and reach maturity under the conditions of denazification.

The collective West is itself the designer, source and sponsor of Ukrainian Nazism

The name "Ukraine" apparently cannot be retained as the title of any fully denazified state entity in a territory liberated from the Nazi regime.

In fact, their (Ukrainian) political aspiration cannot be neutral - expiation of guilt before Russia for treating it as an enemy can be realized only by relying on Russia in the processes of restoration, revival and development

Denazification will inevitably also be a de-Ukrainization - a rejection of the large-scale artificial inflation of the ethnic component of self-identification of the population of the territories of "historical" "Little Russia" and "New Russia", begun by the Soviet authorities.

Ukrainism is an artificial anti-Russian construction that does not have its own civilizational content, a subordinate element of an alien and alien civilization.

The "Catholic province" (Western Ukraine as part of five regions) is unlikely to become part of the pro-Russian territories. The line of alienation, however, will be found empirically. It will remain hostile to Russia, but forcibly neutral and demilitarized Ukraine with formally banned Nazism. The haters of Russia will go there. The guarantee of the preservation of this residual Ukraine in a neutral state should be the threat of an immediate continuation of the military operation in case of non-compliance with the listed requirements. Perhaps this will require a permanent Russian military presence on its territory. From the exclusion line to the Russian border there will be a territory of potential integration into Russian civilization, which is anti-fascist in its internal nature.

In this case, the necessary initial steps of denazification can be defined as follows:
- liquidation of armed "Nazi" formations (which means any armed formations of Ukraine, including the Armed Forces of Ukraine), as well as the military, informational, educational infrastructure that ensures their activity
- installation of the Russian information space;
- the withdrawal of educational materials and the prohibition of educational programs at all levels containing Nazi ideological guidelines (NOTE: they mean Ukrainian history and everything regarding Ukrainian culture and identity as they call it "large-scale artificial inflation" above);
-the adoption at the local level, under the supervision of Russia, of primary normative acts of denazification "from below", a ban on all types and forms of the revival of "Nazi" ideology;
-creation of permanent denazification bodies for a period of 25 years.

And the last one is "just for lolz"
Russia will have no allies in the denazification of Ukraine. Since this is a purely Russian business. And also since not only the Bandera version of Nazi Ukraine will be eradicated, but including, and above all, Western totalitarianism(LOOOL), the imposed programs of civilizational degradation and disintegration

As delusional as it is, this is what they feed to the mass "consciousness" of Russians. To those, who doesn't want to understand the reality instead just adopts the "opinion" provided by the state.
They made it clear now, the main goal of Russian government and their crazy "ideologiest", if you can even call it this name, is that Ukraine shouldn't exist all and all ukrainians, who identify them as a separate nation, should fall under the lustration. On our terriytory they plan to create a filtration camp, where ukrainians will slowly be converted to "little russians (Malorussians)", and everything, that is somehow related to the idea of Ukraine, even the name of it, must be erased, burned, ripped off and the one who spreads it or at least believes in it must be tortured, brainwashed untill his identity dies or, if it doesn't happen, "eliminated".

Horrifyc dystopian scenario it is. Reminds me of Orwell's 1984 (Ye, ye, pop book but it is so accurate for the current situation)

They made it clear, without that regular charade about "brotherly nations" where Ukrainian to Russians were always "the smallest one" which can also be punished if he suddenly contradict his "older" one, that they tried to fed us all these previous years. And it has always been like that, I told you about it in my previous posts.

It is truly horrifyc, but... It was written for brainwashed russians, this crazy scenario won't happen because the only totalitarian country, that "imposed programs of civilizational degradation and disintegration" is Russia to itself. This is the agony of a dying Putin's regime and Putin himself. Putin's regime is a plundered Nazism, chaotic mix of slavism, orthodox christianism, bolshevism and corruption above everrything. Putin's mistrust to everyone except of KGB/FSB, dida a cruel joke to him. He shouldn't have trust them as well. Because when you create the system, where YOU are the center of everything around and you make everyone around you not only unconditionally obey your orders, but echo your thoughts, this is what happens. He thought those trillions of dollars he spent over 20 years in destabilization of Ukraine, buying pro-russian politicians, investing in his relative Medvedchuk and his projects, "injecting" FSB agents into Ukrainian "bloodvessels" is enough. They told him that the ground is ready, but the problem is that they only said what he wanted to hear, not how it actually is. They stole most of the money he gave them. They became incredibly rich.
He thought he had a superior army technically, but MOD RF stole this money, and the "cumulative tank armor" is nothing but egg trays.
It was all a lie and it couldn't be different when YOU are the biggest thief in your country. You can't build your influence on theft of the state budget and expect certain areas of the state apparatus to work, it doesn't work like that.


For this thread is now NSFW I would like to share some photos of civilian victims of russian genocide towards Ukraine, that I've been talking previously

Last edited by Hug; Apr 5, 2022 at 10:59 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
There's some things I'd like to share about Bucha and killings there in particular, just because it brings up some unsettling thoughts:

Recent satelite images have now revealed that bodies were already covering the streets as early as March 19, so now Russia simply can't deny the killings and dispute what's clearly visible (since now they are claiming all the videos and images of the area are staged).

Another even scarrier fact is that the satelite also revealed initial digging of the mass grave on March 10. It means almost a month ago from now, when we still didn't know the full extent of Russia's actions, they were already killing so many people, just in that area, that they needed a mass grave. That just shows how far behind we are on actually learning about all the attrocities commited in Ukraine right now. A lot of horrible things are still yet to be found..
Source of the satelite photos is Maxar, a private company based in the US

Satelite photos in relation to recent information


In some photos of the dead civilians it can be seen that they were carrying Russian military rations (images bellow). It's very strange and I don't know what to make of it. It kind of looks like Russian soilders perhaps gave them to civilians, because other essential groceries can be seen next to them too, suggesting that they were out to get supplies. But then why were they killed? I've seen speculations by one guy suggesting they might've been killed by Azov for being traitors and accepting Russian help, but I think that's highly unlikely. Either way, very strange.



Finally, a lot of media are mislabeling photos/videos at this point in a fight for clicks. For example the photos bellow have been spread as Bucha all over the media but records show that they're not taken in the same location. Not that it makes these killings any different, but it shows that a lot of misinformation is being spread about these events.

Original photos with the context of events (NSFW)


There's a lot more I'd like to share but as of now I don't have time to fact-check every event so I'll leave it at that.
Jeśli dobrze pamiętam z TB to rozumiesz po polsku, prawda?
Jak patrzę na zdjęcia w twoim ostatnim poście (Hug) to przypomina mi się pewien wiersz.

"Tej nocy zgładzono Wolność
W katyńskim lesie...
Zdradzieckim strzałem w czaszkę
Pokwitowano Wrzesień.

Związano do tyłu ręce,
By w obecności kata
Nie mogła ich wznieść błagalnie
Do Boga i do świata.

Zakneblowano usta,
By w tej katyńskiej nocy
Nie mogła błagać o litość,
Ni wezwać znikąd pomocy..."


Polacy też już nie jeden raz w historii przekonali się do czego zdolna jest rosyjska "armia", dlatego tak bardzo wam pomagamy.
Stary koń jestem ale jak na to patrzę to mi się łzy na oczy cisną.

Narazie przyjeliśmy z rodziną na 2 tygodnie znajomych z Ukrainy (jechali dalej do Wrocławia).
Wpłaciłem też trochę hajsu z kolejnej pensji głównie na zbiórki dla dzieci, bo to one w przyszłych latach będą odbudowywać wasze państwo.
Bije się z własnymi myślami bo z jednej strony mam konserwatywne podejście i nie chce zaostrzenia konfliktu (jakbyśmy się dołączyli to dla Polski to jest samobójstwo) a z drugiej strony ciężko się patrzy na waszą heroiczną ale jednak samotną walkę.

Trzymaj się tam.
Last edited by Bison; Apr 6, 2022 at 05:17 AM.
hurh hurh hurh *chews grass*
Originally Posted by Smaguris View Post
Finally, a lot of media are mislabeling photos/videos at this point in a fight for clicks. For example the photos bellow have been spread as Bucha all over the media but records show that they're not taken in the same location. Not that it makes these killings any different, but it shows that a lot of misinformation is being spread about these events.

It's simply misinterpretation because Bucha for some reason stood out in international media, you are right. Many write only about Bucha, but even now the photos and reports are not only from Bucha. This is Stoyanka, and Motizhin, and every other occupied village of the Kiev region, Severshchyna, Slobozhanshchyna, Tavria and Donbass.
Originally Posted by Bison View Post
Polacy też już nie jeden raz w historii przekonali się do czego zdolna jest rosyjska "armia", dlatego tak bardzo wam pomagamy.
Stary koń jestem ale jak na to patrzę to mi się łzy na oczy cisną.

Narazie przyjeliśmy z rodziną na 2 tygodnie znajomych z Ukrainy (jechali dalej do Wrocławia).
Wpłaciłem też trochę hajsu z kolejnej pensji głównie na zbiórki dla dzieci, bo to one w przyszłych latach będą odbudowywać wasze państwo.
Bije się z własnymi myślami bo z jednej strony mam konserwatywne podejście i nie chce zaostrzenia konfliktu (jakbyśmy się dołączyli to dla Polski to jest samobójstwo) a z drugiej strony ciężko się patrzy na waszą heroiczną ale jednak samotną walkę.

Trzymaj się tam.

(Sorry ze nie mam polskiej klawiatury obecnie)
Hej, najpierw dziekuje za pomoc twoja oraz Polski w calosci, tak naprawde nie oczekiwalem ze Polski urzad zajmie taka mocna i aktywna pozycje.
Wiersz jest doreczny, tragiczne zdarzenia w Katyniu sa naprawde bardzo podobne do tego, co rosyjskie mordercy robia na terenie tymczasowo okupowanych regionow Ukrainy.
Jestem pewien, ze wiekszosc polakow maja ta historyczna pamiec. Oczywiscie obserwowalem na FB w komentarzy pewnych debilow, ktorzy pierdzili cos "O JAKBYS POLACY TAK POMAGALI POLAKOM JAKO UKRAINCOM TERAZ" pod postami o zaproszeniu na zgromadzenia do pomocy uchodzcam z Ukrainy, ale rozumiem ze to jakies Grazyny i Janusze z blokow. Chcialbym powiedziec ze wszyscy ukraincy sa inteligentne a kulturalne, ale nie chcę kłamać.

Chicialbym tez troche powiedzic o zaostrzeniu konfliktu, chociaz pewnie to nie bedzie dla ciebie nowoscia. Nie jest to wielka tajemnica ze Putin ne mial planow zastopowac sie na Ukrainie, ewentualnie by poszedl dalej wojna na krainy baltyckie oraz na RP. Tak, naprzyklad, jeden z top propagandystow rosji Solowjow, ktory sie finansuje Kremlinem, powiedzial tak
„Jeśli myślisz, że zatrzymamy się na Ukrainie, zastanów się 300 razy. Przypomnę, że Ukraina jest tylko etapem pośrednim w zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa strategicznego Federacji Rosyjskiej”

No i w calosci te tezy ktore oni transluja przez telewizje sa pojebane, ze trzeba jebnac po Polsce, zeby NATO przestrasilo sie. No, ale "nie strasz, nie strasz, bo sie zesrasz")
Tak co walczimy za wszystkich teraz przy pomocy sojuznicow. Przykro mi bylo czytac jak Biden nalozyl weto na transfer myśliwców sowieckich, które Polska zaproponowała przekazać w Ukrainę. Ale w chuj to.
Tak co myszlie ze lepiej pomoc nam zamknąć kwestię współczesnych nazistów w obliczu Rosji na naszym terytorium, niż później walczyć w Polsce, Litwie, Łotwie, Estonii, Niemczech itd.
Zamordujemy ich wszystkich.
Last edited by Hug; Apr 6, 2022 at 11:35 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump