Simple Split-Kick

kk uke will go in half when u do this

normal setting

relax all

Extend both glutes
extend left hip
contract right hip
extend left knee
contract right knee
right rotating chest
right benfing lumbar
contracting left pecs
extending right pecs
lowering right shoulder
grabby left hand


extending right knee
extending both ankles
extending left elbow
extending right elbow
extending right wrist
right rotating chest
right bending lumbar
extending both glutes
contractin left pecs
extendin right pecs
lowering right shoulder
extending left knee

this should be it uke splitted

HINT: Works on multiplayer too ion right mods but NOT judo

And heres how its supposed to look like
Attached Files
Simple Splitkick.rpl (46.7 KB, 12 views)