Started work on the mini game one, changed the format up a bit but I'm thinking atm it thinks too much of the reader I may skip over bits because I think that the previous have gone into various things they haven't. We'll see :P
If anyone wants to help me "fix" the tutorials to make them easier to understand and make sure they go over things so you understand them, including unreleased ones can you pm me please :P
Ok right now I'm going through with May0 trying to improve unclear/skipped over sections. Expect better tutorials, feel free to pm me any questions you have where you don't understand something and i'll try to fix it up
I've written a bunch of tuts (in french) with exercises and corrections... It's not finished yet, but I'll try to translate them into english asap.
Well, two series of lua tutorials is better than one
I don't think we have exactly the same approach, my tuts (at least, the first ones) are made for beginners, and I think you'll be more at ease than me on some chapters...

BTW, I work (very) slowly ^^