ishi is love

ishi is life

ishi is a self-replicating life-form

ishi is all there is and all there will be

ishi is...

... Probably a bit annoyed at me right now, but i wouldn't be me if i didn't annoy the ones that i like from time to time. :v
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Hi Shook if you could design a fighting game character for a capcom game what would they be?
oh yeah
Hello shook, I find you a very intreging individual, or replay maker to put it at that. You seem to be a quite nice, therefore I like you more than ishi! We also share the same phobias, which makes you 10x better. Thank you for playing this game my good sir.
I made a gorilla with terrible quality

someone should make a bear


also, was there any specific inspiration for your love of making pixel art?
the goblin


Also yes, there was in fact a specific inspiration: Cortex Command, and by extension, its artist, Arne AKA Prom. I was super hyped about modding, but i didn't care much for asking others to do sprites for me, so i had to try myself. It took around a year before the mere sight of these sprites didn't make people vomit explosively. :U

Originally Posted by McNuggets View Post
Hello shook, I find you a very intreging individual, or replay maker to put it at that. You seem to be a quite nice, therefore I like you more than ishi! We also share the same phobias, which makes you 10x better. Thank you for playing this game my good sir.

Greetings good sir! I... Am a bit at a loss of words, since i'm really not used to taking compliments at all, but thank you so much. <3
also ishi is like the coolest guy ever

Originally Posted by VIDEOGAMES View Post
Hi Shook if you could design a fighting game character for a capcom game what would they be?

oh you

Actually not an easy question, because i like to imagine more than one of my characters as being in a fighting game. The top spot for a silly character would definitely be a stickman, though, who has various attacks themed like the things that i enjoy, such as fish, dinosaurs and gentlemans attire. Maybe also pound cake. :v

For a serious character, the spot would probably go to a much less known character of mine, Ampersand, featured prominently in my Strange Company story. Basically, a mid-rank demon from a place that is to hell what hell is to us. He'd be extremely overpowered, though, given the canonical power of such demons. I'm not just talking Gill-overpowered here, i'm talking "could shit all over Gill with one or two attacks if he feels like it"-overpowered. Therefore, i'd probably end up making the stickman first, since nobody would enjoy fighting a character like that. :U
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
hi shook you're cool, okay bye
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<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.