I'm having a probloem connecting to any multiplayer server. Doesn't matter which one I choose it just says 'Not Connected'. Could it be my firewall or something?

EDIT: You can ignore this now. The problem was I had brown belt from when I used to play ages ago but I didn't know. I feel daft
Last edited by StalwartXX; Apr 26, 2010 at 01:12 PM.
Originally Posted by graboy View Post
Originally Posted by graboy View Post
I got one, If you hit the R key (Replay) on the first frame, Uke doesn't keep his "hold" posture, and Uke falls over.

Did anyone even take note of my earlier post here?

God damnit!
Twiswords broken
When I play a twinswords server, the swords don't show up. All I see is hands.

Also, just curious, why are there no twinswords rooms above the intermediate level?
Originally Posted by LesPaul75 View Post
When I play a twinswords server, the swords don't show up. All I see is hands.

Followup -
The problem seems to be that "twinswords4fixed.tbm" is the mod used in these rooms, and I didn't get this mod when I downloaded version 3.88. Is it supposed to be there?

These are all the mods I have that start with "twinsword":

Is there somewhere I can download it? Google does not find it anywhere.
Slip anc olvasd el!
Torimantl3 ellopot tölem 1k uyg hogy én beléptem a szerverébe
és és hát beléptem már ép én harcoltam volna amikor udel moda ment át és 1 k rol 4 k ra emelte a tétet és igy eloppot tölem 1k-t és ég rá is nevetett idézem:"lol i win 1k" aztán elkezdtem vele veszekedni és le se szarta(de ezt minek irom le?).... szal modn meg neki hoyg adja vissza az 1 k-mat
elöre is thx
Last edited by Aspire; May 5, 2010 at 03:26 PM.
Originally Posted by warr33 View Post
Slip anc olvasd el!
Torimantl3 ellopot tölem 1k uyg hogy én beléptem a szerverébe
és és hát beléptem már ép én harcoltam volna amikor udel moda ment át és 1 k rol 4 k ra emelte a tétet és igy eloppot tölem 1k-t és ég rá is nevetett idézem:"lol i win 1k" aztán elkezdtem vele veszekedni és le se szarta(de ezt minek irom le?).... szal modn meg neki hoyg adja vissza az 1 k-mat
elöre is thx

Nem kellett volna belemenjel vagy kellett volna specceljel mikor latod hogy mit csinal.

Igazabol nem nagyon tudok segiteni mert legalis amit csinalt.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

I'm having trouble with text actually. In game I can't see anything I type or what others might be typing.