Im not sure :|

looks like some odd glitch. Try rejoining?
i think theres another dm glitch look how easy
i took apart uke and this is at 100dmt
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Originally Posted by NutHug View Post
Sometimes I can't create a server because it says it is unable to connect to a IP (I think that was mentioned already).

It happens Everytimes when i try to create a server. But my clanmates can create new server at the same time. I have no firewall.

Added: lol... i can create server with any name exept "Hack": "ack", "hac", "qwerty" - any name except "Hack." why? =)

OMG... I create a server... and get no rights... white belt pitboy22 join and gets @ - admin rules on my server... how did that happens?

and... not bug, just little deficiency: when you use /nudgedown command, there is a message: "[Player] nudged down" in the chat. when you use /nudgedown there is no message.
Last edited by Pavlin; Aug 5, 2008 at 07:02 PM.
Damn kids. They're all alike.
This one is not major but Ive been playing lately and noticed that :

Sometimes when you dismember your hand, and it is still selected to grab, it is still attached to your arm even though the hand is not touching the arm.

I will post some pics ASAP, but as I said nothing major its just that this never used to happen.