Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
My point was pretty obvious. You lumped me in with scrubs and players with no potential.
And anyways, of course you try to win. That's the goal of the game. But having fun should trump winning.

For me, winning is fun. So within my interpretation of that sentence, winning should trump winning? I don't see the point.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
And ugh, you went and used your spectacular ridiculously complex shovel as a counterpoint.

Any decent shoveler would use most parts of their body, yet still rely on the primary few that are required to achieve lift. It's not just mine, it's most of the above-black-belt shovelers. There's more than you might think.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Perhaps you missed the part about the technique largely being used by relatively new players that spam a maximum of six joints.

Stop strawmanning new players. They don't try to win my ass, they just don't know how. Effort isn't even a factor.

Effort is THE factor. If they aren't willing to put in the effort to advance, they shouldn't be playing multiplayer. It's as simple as that.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Really, you shouldn't be judging players so readily. It's rather annoying, particularly when you have nothing but your own over convoluted shovel and personal experience to back you up.

I don't see how I judge players quickly. I never meant to extend the idea that you were a poor player in any way shape or form. I did, however, place you in the group of people who believe that some made-up rule says that flailing around is more important than winning. In this case, it's strictly opinion.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Edit: Oh, hey, saw your most recent post. How the hell do you go about justifying any kind of behavior with "fact of the matter is I'll beat them"
That's just childish. You're basically putting your fingers in your ears and screaming la la la, I won so any criticisms you have will be disregarded!
One last thing, citing playing to win over and over again is getting old. There are hardly any parallels, and its arguments aren't even logical arguments, just opinions in a paragraph format.

Re-read the paragraph:
Originally Posted by Sinistah View Post
Eventually, I'd like to get to the point where I can say: "If someone thinks I'm a noob, fine. Fact of the matter is I'll beat them in Aikido all day long without a problem." and back it up.

This is not being childish. This is how most players act when they are playing with power, and I for one wont be the one to revolutionize attitude along with try and get rid of the shovel stereotypes. Either way, if someone says you're untalented and are a poor player at a game you're fantastic at, wouldn't you want to defend your position? It's the same as defending a title in most sports, such as World Champion or whatever.
...Stop misrepresenting me already.
How is fun exclusively winning? If you can't have fun while losing, then you're petty. I'm saying that fun ( in ALL aspects or scenarios ingame) should trump winning.

No, effort is not the factor. Putting in effort does not mean you'll automatically win. You seem to have this condescending viewpoint that if they aren't winning, they aren't trying. The equally patronizing "it's as simple as that" doesn't help either.
However, you're misrepresenting me again. My criticism is not that you are untalented and poor, simply that the shovel will indeed annoy people and deter newcomers.

Oh, and that Playing to Win is completely inapplicable in almost all things toribash.
If you know a shovel is coming it's much easier to counter it. However, if you don't know it is coming, it will be harder to counter it. I usually don't whine on shovelers, there is indeed a way to counter them.

But what is aikido? Aikido is a mod in Toribash where there exists extremely many tactics and counters. Why not explore them? Why shovel?

Sure, you can improve your shoveling. But not even close to how much you can improve your aikido skill when not shoveling. Shoveling is pretty much doing the same thing over and over again. Down with arms, up with them, and out with the opponent. The matches does not vary when doing that. Same movements over and over again. Down, up, lift. Down, up, lift. I don't remember any time where I heard a shoveler said "interesting match". Shovels can't really create very interesting matches.

Also, I'm not trying to say that Toribash is realistic. But when you do realistic moves it looks much better. Watch some real aikido videos on youtube. They are pretty interesting.
Originally Posted by siku View Post sinistah's shoveling is hilariously bad

you all disgust me

One win. Congratulations, you are the shit.

Face me in a best of 5 match and we'll see how that goes, yeah?
Originally Posted by Dodekus View Post
Shoveling is pretty much doing the same thing over and over again. Down with arms, up with them, and out with the opponent. The matches does not vary when doing that. Same movements over and over again. Down, up, lift. Down, up, lift.

Actually, I've shovelled quite a number of people without raising my arms. Instead, I usually flip them over my body while my pecs are extended and elbows contracted. The main method is using your chest and lumbar; get close, and then twist them around (Kinda like steven seagal. I've already seen those videos :P.)
Originally Posted by Sinistah View Post

Every day I shovel. I admit, I join a game and shovel 15 times in a row and during the entire episode, whether the other player is a yellow belt just getting into the game or a weathered and seasoned 8th Dan Black Belt, I get yelled at being called a "noob" or "cheap" or "boring" or any such thing where the other player apparently seems to just be a sore loser. Whilst they continually insult and beg me not to shovel, they're continually losing while I'm on a winning streak of 20+.

This does not mean that it's the most amazing thing in the world. Just because something works doesn't mean it works forever. It only works until the game evolves and the opponent becomes smarter than the shoveler. But how do you learn how to counter something so powerful? That's what this wall of text is for.

Introducing Shoveling

While not being a very experienced player competitively in Toribash (yet), I must say that the term Shoveling has the same, haunting meaning between almost everyone in the Toribash community: Lowering your shoulders and lifting the enemy out of the ring in Aikido. There are a lot of different versions of shoveling. Usually, you'll find yourself up in the air in no time and about a meter outside of the ring, flat on your face, a short time after. That is, of course, assuming you don't know how to deal with it.

So how is a shovel countered? That's not something that can be explained. If I were to post the specific moves you needed to do in order to counter a shovel, the shovelers would read the thread and just modify their shovel so that it no longer works effectively. Which brings me back to my point of how you learn to counter it. It's quite simple, really. Shovel. Shovel until you lose. No, it's not that "if you can't beat them, join them" type of thing. This is a learning experience. When you lose, save the replay. Watch the replay, modify your shovel to become stronger, then rinse and repeat. By doing this, not only are becoming better at shoveling, which effectively makes you a tougher opponent. Beyond that, the better you can shovel, the better you can counter it.

However, is that true? If you suck at shoveling, get beat one time, and try copying the move that beat you against an actually good shoveler, then you're not going to get very far. Their shovel will have a higher power and you'll get yourself killed.

Basic Counter Moves

For those who don't give a damn about reading further and just want to get rid of the bastard in their game right now using a counter-shovel move, I suggest you use one of the following.

Quick Kick
Forenote: This move is somewhat of a hyped standard kick. Instead of a standard kick which connects in about 20-25 frames, this one effectively will connect with your opponent at about 15-20. This means that it's right when their hands are starting to move upward, effectively making them grab your leg and giving you the control over their motion.
Effectiveness: Medium-High (Level 3/4)
Start Style: Relaxed
Difficulty: 6/10
  • ---First Turn---
  • Contract right hip
  • Extend left hip
  • Extend right glute
  • Extend left glute
  • Contract abs
  • Bend Lumbar right
  • Bend Chest right
  • Extend right pecs
  • Contract left pecs
  • Contract left elbow
    ---Second Turn---
  • Set left hand to grab
  • Extend right ankle
  • Extend right knee [*1]
    ---Third Turn---
  • Extend left elbow
  • Contract left knee
    ---Fourth Turn---
  • Extend left knee
  • Contract left glute
Aftermath: Well there's 2 primary ways that it could've gone. They either left their hips extended during turn 2 and their left leg stayed in the ring to allow them leverage (assuming you skipped *1). The other way could've been that they left both hips contracted to try and stay within the ring, which would put them out if you didn't use *1 and kept them in if you did. It's a 50/50 chance you'll get them out of the ring on the first shot, but about a 90% chance you'll screw up their shovel and they'll have to drastically change their strategy in order to compensate.
Quick Kick Trial #1 (By Huck)
Quick Kick Trial #2 (By Huck)
Quick Kick Gone Wrong (By Huck)

Twist (Credit to Dokwon24)
Forenote: Dokwon24 is the one who invented this move (I think) which I have found works moderately effectively against low-level shovelers.
Effectiveness: Medium (Level 2/3)
Start Style: Relaxed
Difficulty: 5/10
  • ---First Turn---
  • Contract right hip
  • Contract left hip
  • Extend right glute
  • Extend left glute
  • Contract abs
    ---Second Turn---
  • Contract right hip
  • Extend left hip
  • Bend Chest right
  • Contract right pecs
  • Contract left pecs
  • Set right hand to grab
  • Set left hand to grab
    ---Third Turn---
  • Extend right hip
  • Extend right pec
  • Lower right shoulder
  • Raise left shoulder
  • Contract right elbow
Aftermath: This move effectively locks your shoveler to your right, making sure he's unable to move as he slowly falls to his disqualification. The only problem with using this move is that if he plays it right, he could effectively turn it around on you (with some difficulty). So long as you make sure to be ready for that (such as letting go with your right hand after he's on his spiral downward to keep yourself above the ground), you should be able to win the match.
Replays: *coming*

Shovel Power & Levels

I've played hundreds of games using shovels. They don't always work, of course, but over time I like to believe that my shovel is extremely powerful in comparison to others. With all the experience I have, I've noticed a few trends which measure how difficult it is for me to get rid of another shoveler. I've separated it into five levels, all of which I've described everything you need to know in order to identify and solve the problem:

Level 1 - The Beginner
Main Joints: Shoulders, Hips.
Style: Simple, Non-Dynamic.
Primary Movements: Contracted hips, contracted pecs, and lowered shoulders. Followed by raising of shoulders and extending of hips.
What they do: These guys are basically those person who just realized "wow shovels r teh bombz0rz mannnn!" and decided to start shoveling for themselves. They have very little knowledge on how to correctly perform a shovel and simply do the basic steps in order to see if it works. They are, with all things considered, the "noobs" of shovelers.

Level 2 - The Changeling
Main Joints: Shoulders, Pecs, Hips.
Style: Simple, Dynamic.
Primary Movements: Contracted hips, contracted pecs, and lowered shoulders. Followed by movements based on the oppoent's move.
What they do: These guys are starting to understand shoveling and where it's weaknesses are. They modify their shovel slightly during the attack in order to make sure they aren't countered by the enemy move, suck as twisting their chest or contracting knees. Their movements are various depending on what they feel gives them the best chance to come out victorious.

Level 3 - The Metamorphed
Main Joints: Shoulders, Gutes, Hips.
Style: Complex, Non-Dynamic.
Primary Movements: Extended hips, extended gutes, contracted pecs, lowered shoulders. Followed by raising of shoulders and eventual contraction of gutes.
What they do: These guys use a "Power Shovel" which gets their hands closer to your lower chest faster than the previously mentioned shovels. It gives a smaller window of reaction for the opponent, in turn making it harder to counter. Slow moves stop working and it's difficult to almost impossible to "dodge" the shovel.

Level 4 - The Wise One
Main Joints: Shoulders, Pecs, Chest, Hips.
Style: Complex, Dynamic.
Primary Movements: Extended hips, extended gutes, contracted pecs, lowered shoulders. Followed by movements based on the opponents move.
What they do: These guys are smart. They'll chance their movements to make sure that you don't screw up their shovel, and will do absolutely anything to make sure that you get into the air. Whether that means doing a backflip or grabbing you by the feet, it doesn't matter. Their moves have only 2 goals: Get you up, Get you out.

Level 5 - The Monster
Main Joints: Shoulders, Pecs, Chest, Abs, Gutes, Hips, Knees, Ankles.
Style: Coordinated, Dynamic.
Primary Movements: Highly various.
What they do: These guys are those people who shovel all the damn time and know exactly what they need to do in order to surprise you. They wont just stick with the same setup every game. No, they'll start off simple, trying to understand the stance you use. If you're smart, you'll beat them a few times until they understand how you move. After that, it becomes a disaster to try and keep your feet on the ground. You might try to kick, but they'll twist their chest and lower their shoulders just to make your leg land straight in their hands. From there, they'll do a seismic toss to throw you out of the ring while you flail around helplessly. The monster shovelers have all the moves, and these are the ones I cannot describe counters for. You need to learn how they work and react from there.

Guide Changelog
  • ---January 20th---
    • Added replays for Quick Kick. (Credit to Huck)
    • Finished Shovel Power & Levels section.
    ---January 19th---
    • Initial Release.

So far, I found 3 typos.
Gutes (lol) = Glutes
Every day = everday

Other than that, this is one of the greatest guides I've seen in Toribash. I'm 100% sure that it can help noobs AND pros. It's about time someone did something about shovelers

Keep up the good work, bro!
[T] | ORMO
[20:18] <@Cevius> Like semen?
Shoveling can be compared to camping in Counter-Strike.
It makes kids, without proper skills to play the game in any cool way, think they got some skill. Well they don't.
But winning doesn't equal skill. Even if you are rank 1, have the highest belt and whatever people won't consider you as the best. Because what you do is cheap. And it will stay cheap. I used to shovel and do other cheap stuff but I stoped. Because it is indeed no fun. It is fun to keep winning for some time but shoveling takes so much away from the actual gameplay. It restricts the possibilities of the outcome of the match in so many ways it gets boring.

You achieve real skill by facing different situations and figuring out how to deal with them. Shovelers either shovel or fail to shovel.
Seriously, everyone could shovel but it depends on what you are doing during the game and not in the beginning. Relying on some cheap move to get some advantage on the first rounds is lame. And once it fails shovelers are screwed. As seen in the replay siku provided.
I'm not sure if anyone cares, but it seems like people want moves to beat shovels so here's mine. It's not all spelled out, but it should make sense.

I contract both pecs and turn the torso. The hand that arrives first I use to grab either the head or the shoulder. The other hand I leave as a fist, and use to strike the neck joint, or failing that, to squeeze it.

This can be enough to decap them, but if it doesn't work I persist in assaulting the neck. The fist arm can be used to grab and reposition yourself midgame, with the other grab detached and once again used to strike, choke or balance.

Shovels will respond to this in two ways. Some disregard it completely and try to finish the shovel, which more often than not ends in a decap, since they have no blocks. Others will abort the partially finished shovel, which usually turns it into a traditional balance/dq game and not a one sided body dump.

I hope this helps someone.
Need help with anything? Have a question? PM me! I'll try my best to help you.