Original Post
+Texture Appearing Problem
When I activate my left hand texture, and then I go in game it doesn't show, It shows white. Even when I wait 1 hour it still doesn't work. What might be the problem?
Last edited by marcus; May 18, 2010 at 05:56 AM.
Purity Of Essence
Type "/dl dynomite" (without the quotes) ingame. If this doesn't work, make sure the texture is 128x128, and has at least one pixil of colour in it.
Quit, probably.
i did the dl thing that didnt work out. and the picture has purple and black in it. how can i check if its 128x128?
Purity Of Essence
I'm having a similar issue. I bought a head texture and I can't get it to show. I've checked all the above things mentioned.

I'm running Vista, btw.
Last edited by TriFox; May 16, 2010 at 04:28 AM.
I'm running vista too but I don't think that matters. All my other textures show except that hand. Any other suggestions?
Purity Of Essence
Go to your custom folder and look for a file name "l_hand.tga.tmp". If that file is present, delete it and /dl yourself again.
Last edited by aslask; May 16, 2010 at 11:04 AM.
Are you sure that when you made it you set the size to 128x128 pixils? If not it will not appear.
Quit, probably.