Original Post
Cannot Log Into 3.0
Every time I try to log on and get my name, the game does not comply. It doesn't tell me anything, but if I join a multiplayer server the game says "Service Overloaded. Logged in as guest" every time. Have I missed something? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

This only happens in multiplayer, I have my name/head e.t.c in singleplayer. Not my joints though.
Last edited by Dundasbro; Oct 28, 2007 at 09:27 AM.
I have it too. But it's even worse: After some time, I get an 'malinformed packet' error and the game locks up a few moments to show a 'Not Connected' watermark (or torimark?).

/EDIT: May it be that I need to free up a few ports for Toribash? Since I've got a new router with firewall, I'm not sure about this.
yeah, same to me. i can only log into on box mod, on others servers i get service overloaded
I've got to say this is kinda huge. Can't earn credits to mess with all the new stuff right now. If it helps i'm running windows XP.
Yea but it happens on every server I connect, except on 0 player servers, but as soon as somebody connects, it will do the same again.
yup, it happens to me too, it doesnt work in the menu, /login doesnt work and /nick doesnt work
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
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