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my questions about the new version
i there guys!
i have some questions about the new version of toribash...
(also, i havent search much... so im really sorry if any of this as been answered before :P)

so... up to the questions:

- is it possible to have 2vs1 or 2vs2 in single player? how? cause i dont see an option for that...
- whats that "engageplayerpos" and "engageplayerrot" thing, and how do i use it?
- also, how does the "engageheight", "engagerotation" and "engagespace" works?
- what does the "damage" do?

and about the "world builder" script:

- is there a number of objects limit? cause i cant put more than 12 objects on the scene...
- also, how do i make an object stay floating on the hair? cause i tried to set the mass to 0, but when i play, the object disapears after i press space.
- still about the mass, how do i make it, so that the tori can grab it? cause i've set it to 0.1 but it is still heavy, and i can only change it like so: 0 -> 0.1 -> 0.2.... etc

thank you for your support!
i can answer the ones bout world builder.

-the object limit is indeed 12. i think you can make more manually with a text program, but the worldbuilder lua can't handle more than 12.
-i thought it was 0, but if that's what happens, try and manually set the mass of the object to like 0,00000000000000000000001 or something, so it doesn't really float, but goes down real slow.
-the worldbuilder lua will only change mass a tenth at a time, so you'll have to set the mass manually with a text program. see the "how to experiment with test mod" sticky for that.
I refuse to grab.
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ill answer the other questions. =D

1. no-one knows atm, theyre sorta keeping it secret. D=
2. that changes the position of the players, change the numbers and experiment, you'll work it out. =)
3. same as above
4. damage 0=can only damage enemy
damage 1=can damage enemy and self.
2vs2 and 2vs1 are on the way so dont worry im sure there more worried about trying to make sure everyone is happy with the forum and servers first so give it time
Originally Posted by M0UTA View Post
- also, how do i make an object stay floating on the hair? cause i tried to set the mass to 0, but when i play, the object disapears after i press space.
- still about the mass, how do i make it, so that the tori can grab it? cause i've set it to 0.1 but it is still heavy, and i can only change it like so: 0 -> 0.1 -> 0.2.... etc

thank you for your support!

Select it and press "f" and then choose "static"
"We are the chipmunks, C-H-I-P-M-U-N-K"
note that what kickbox said makes it unmovable. if that's not what you want, don't use that one
I refuse to grab.
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