Weekend Bash
Originally Posted by RTNINJA8 View Post
When i enter multiplayer and connect to a server i can only watch one match and it crashes or whenever i play online it crashes instantly please help !

Depressed Toribash player !

Posting a thread would have gotten you noticed faster. Lucky I have no life and was browsing through the board that I moderate. xD Anyway, as for your problem, I had the same exact one. Are you by chance using a Mac? Also, did you install the latest version? Try the beta.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
well idk if its aware to anyone but the whole game just crashed on a lot of people as far as I can tell. and wont let anyone in at the moment.
Master is my love, Origin is my life.
Confirming this situation. Can't connect, and even when I manage it trows me out with the socket error message.

TB started through Steam, latest version, on PC, WIN 7 64 bit