Great tut can u make 1 in gimp evenutally? I don'thave the same photo shop as you...

EDIT: OMG i fail ),:
Last edited by killerevan; Apr 23, 2010 at 10:19 PM.
Uber l Flawed texturer l Uber...er l Yoink! l http://.on.toribash.com/ l
what version of gimp is that?


This tutorial really helped thanks for posting it. Helped a lot.


Where do you learn all this stuff?! All this path stuff is gibberish to me. But somehow a managed to figure out how to do it...
Good for newcomers to PS / Gimp working with gradients for textures and such... Nice tutorial bro.
Hey Nathan, I'm getting a problem with the drop shadow tool. Every time I use it, the image rescales. How do I fix that?
really nice tut dude that opened up endless possibilities thanks dude, and you sound like kick-ass (the guy from the movie kick-ass)
i created the ??? emoji
like a lighter bitch we ignit
Nice tutorial Nathan, but could you please make your voice sound more alive? I slept for 2 hours when I watched it...