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[Shop] Tersus & Malus


Doxxy's Examples

Fate's Examples


Head: 5k-20k
Set: 50k-150k
Sig: 6k-10k
Avvy: 2k-7k
Avvy+Sig: 10k-20k
General art: 10k-30k
Vectors: 20k-40k
Banner: 10k-20k
Logo: 5k-9k
Collab set: 100k-200k

Standard pack (Head, avvy, siggy): 20k-30k
Pro pack (Head, avvy, siggy, logo): 25k-40k
Prime pack (Set, avvy, siggy, logo): 125k-225k
God pack (Collab set, avvy, siggy, logo): 150k-250k
Request format.

Artist: (Fate, Doxxy, Collab)
Your request:
Price range:
Other information:
Pack (Optional):

Example of a Request.

Artist: Doxxy
Your request: Head
Details: I want it to be quicksilver, demon with elf. And i want it to be robotic with kind of a vector look. Medium detail.
Reference: Link
Price range: 10k
Other information: I will pay more if i really like it, so make it great!
Pack (optional): No thank you.

Please use the format correctly, and please be as specific as possible about your request.
If you fail to follow the format, or you don't give us enough information, we will not accept the request. If you not specific in your request, then that's your fault, we will not edit the final version. Once you make a request, you are stating that you have made a request. Once this is done, you may not cancle your request. If you do this, you will not be allowed to request from our shop again.

Last edited by Fate; Jul 30, 2010 at 12:03 PM.
Please use the format correctly, and please be as specific as possible about your request.
If you fail to follow the format, or you don't give us enough information ,we will not accept the request.

Read more bro.
Aka jusmi.
hey nice shop
how much yould cost a epic collab set but not a full set?
like nuthugs one...
they are mostly just 3 different single leg parts and one arm and head
CO-Leader of
Artist: doxxy
Your request: collab set
Details: i want robo set colors-demon-mysterio
or old brey set
screenshot coming soon
Price range: 100k 120k
Other information: size 512x512 with trails and dq
Pack (optional): No thank you.
Last edited by Apozke; Jul 23, 2010 at 02:40 PM.
Artist: (FailxD, Doxxy, Collab) FailxD
Your request: I want to get a polar bear fluffy
Details: like the refrence just polar bear
Reference: LINK
Price range: 8-9k
Other information: want face super sexy lol
Pack (Optional): no thanks

if you need more info pm me.
Last edited by OpTiC; Jul 23, 2010 at 07:34 PM.