Original Post
[Solved]Won bet for a loss
Hey, on "2011-03-02 08:51:31" , I bet 1700, and got 219 back... can i get a refund please?
Actually, i don't think i ever won more than 10% of what i bet. Why should i bother? Or could u just tell me why the return is so low?
Last edited by Saulace; Mar 12, 2011 at 12:39 AM.
This all depends on how much everybody bets.

You got your tc back but you only earned 219.

Your tc does not double when you win a bet.
Ah, but you see, I lost 1481, even though i won the bet

*Thanks for the quick replies btw*
Last edited by Saulace; Mar 10, 2011 at 12:32 PM. Reason: cause
It just tells how much toricredits you won with that bet, not how much you got altogether.

So you really got 1700 tc (your bet) + 219 tc (winnings), but it just shows your profit.

Edit: Oh well, I stand corrected.
Last edited by Dargon; Mar 12, 2011 at 09:04 PM.
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
2011-03-02 08:53:33 From - bookie 219 Winnings
2011-03-02 08:51:31 To - bookie -1,700 Bets

Those are two separate games. You lost the 1.7k bet.

@dargon: it just gives you the total. Money you bet + up to 4 times what you bet if there's enough bet against you, otherwise you loose everything.
It takes tc the second i place the bet (to bookie) and it's recorded every time, ie:
2011-02-27 12:47:47 From - bookie 539 Bets
2011-02-27 12:46:56 To - bookie -500 Bets (51 sec)
2011-03-10 18:55:06 From - bookie 185 Bets
2011-03-10 18:52:43 To - bookie -185 Bets (odd bet)
These are not seperate bets. My winnings from the 1700 bet, are 219.
here's from today, I had nothing before these (litterally 0)
2011-03-13 22:09: 30 From - bookie 617 Bets
2011-03-13 22:08:23 To - bookie -600 Bets
2011-03-13 22:04:03 From - bookie 382 Winnings
2011-03-13 22:01:18 From - bookie 293 Winnings

I now have 692 (is it that hard to believe a match lasts 2 minutes?)
Last edited by Saulace; Mar 13, 2011 at 03:39 PM. Reason: 'Cause
Originally Posted by Fish View Post
2011-03-02 08:53:33 From - bookie 219 Winnings
2011-03-02 08:51:31 To - bookie -1,700 Bets

Those are two separate games. You lost the 1.7k bet.

@dargon: it just gives you the total. Money you bet + up to 4 times what you bet if there's enough bet against you, otherwise you loose everything.

then, where do the 219 come from? magicly? just asking, because when you bet you sent X to bookie if you loose nothing happens if you win you get X from bookie.
The 219 is what i got when the person i placed the bet on, won. I have no idea why that's all i got..
I assume that's what i would have got.... ie: 1700+219, though i was never re-paid my original bet.
I went directly to support, and a person there confirmed what had happened, but there was no-one available who could re-imburse me, so I was told to post in the forums. I have, as you can see... no help here...(so far)... So i went back to support, and all i got then, were people who shrugged me off.
Normally i wouldn't care, but it's been a while now, and i still don't have that much...


Thank You Very Much!
*(I posted this in another cell, but it's on page 2, which sucks. So here!)
Last edited by Saulace; Apr 14, 2011 at 05:40 AM.